24 Postcards

Actually, my postcards number 25, but that first one gave me the inspiration a day later, to send a mailing-card to Larkin for all the remaining days in June. Or IOW: up until the day before my birthday, July 1st…the day I turn 64. Postcard #1 contained the following words: “You’re one beautiful man, Larkin Kelsey. I’d rather die thinking of you, than live w/o you. Put that in your pot pipe and smoke it!” Which postcard came out of frustration that his roommate, Zachary, informed me Larkin hasn’t been reading my letters; instead he throws some in the garbage, while others are stashed away, unopen. Whether true or no, I decided to deal with this latest challenge by sending postcards, which he is more likely to read than neglect. I have a stack of “Free Me From This Bond” postcards that are part of my publisher’s promotional package. They were just lying around of no worth to me, yet here I am all-of-a-sudden-like, putting them to good use. (Which, I guess, is to drive Larkin crazy.) I’ve composed my wit on all 24 cards well ahead of time, and plan to send each one out per diem. And I just ordered a set of 20 jumbo postcards from Amazon.com, that I may compose longer messages. I’ll print my words out in a teensy font and tape the cutout page onto the card’s back-left side. Though covering the entire front side in the event I’ll require more line space (sacrificing the image for a nobler cause). This implies of course, that I’ll extend my postcard flurry well beyond June (though not daily). Oh the writer’s urge shall never quit, whether bonded paper, computer screen, napkin, postcard or chit! [ Flavorous Reader please note: in 13 cases (which occurred to me only after sending out the first 11 postcards), I’ve included an additional comment on the front of each card. Just hover the mouse cursor over each card, to discover whether or not it has a second pic. If so, a blurb will pop out that says “Click here to view the front!” Enlarge the pic with the browser keys if you need to. You should also realize that the cards listed here are not in the chronologial order in which I mailed them. Nor are all 24 postcards listed here, but 23; because I sent number 1 off before I figured to put this all in a blog. A girl can only do so much! ]

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