
Re: One Hour of Mind-Blowing Scientific Theories on Conscious Universe
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN discussion list
Date: September 30, 2023 at 4:32 PM

On Fri, 29 Sep 2023 14:19:22 Tanya Merang posted:

> We need to find that compromise, that allows parents with strict religious views to protect what their kids as they see fit,

That’s not “compromise,” that’s looking the other way whenever child abuse occurs in the name of religion. Should we also “compromise” with parents preaching Nazi propaganda to their offspring? You DO know, don’t you, Tanya, that there’s such a strong overlap between fanatic Christianity and Nazism, it’s often impossible to distinguish between the two. In fact, the one (Christianism) leads to the other…just as it did in Nazi Germany. And so it goes again.

> while at the same time allowing a librarian to provide an LGBTQ teen a chance to get a little help. They must be some sane middle ground here.

It’s now too late for reason or debate with these Christian troglodytes…we are at war with them, by their own decades of provocation wearing down the very foundation of our democracy, which really has always harbored a powerful streak of fascism, ever since this nation was founded.

– Zeke

Re: One Hour of Mind-Blowing Scientific Theories on Conscious Universe
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN discussion list
Date: September 30, 2023 at 4:40 PM

On Fri, 29 Sep 2023 23:23:56 Mel Porter posted:

> The right proposes banning all of these authors from libraries.

Which is ALSO what Agent Titzler wants…though he is secretive about it. His strategy is to nibble away at the edges and KEEP on nibbling. By coming off as more reasonable and fair-minded than he is, in order to gain inroads that will allow him to proceed further with spewing right-wing dogma of a much harsher kind. Amirite, Agent Sears?

– Zeke

Re: One Hour of Mind-Blowing Scientific Theories on Conscious Universe
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN discussion list
Date: September 30, 2023 at 4:46 PM

On Fri, 29 Sep 2023 16:41:50 Tanya Merang posted:

> You don’t have to denigrate one belief to pursue the other, these are not mutually exclusive endeavors.

No doubt Agent Hope’s head exploded when he read that. Which explains the sonic boom that woke me up late last night. You should get more sleep, Alden!

– Zeke

Re: Democrats are to Liberal for There own Voters
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN discussion list
Date: September 30, 2023 at 4:55 PM

On Sat, 30 Sep 2023 16:48:38 alden hope posted:

> Good one, Mike/Germaine. You get the dunce cap for today. Well, actually, you wear it every day, so why don’t you just keep it? It becomes you!

I think it becomes him literally…like those face-sucking octopoid aliens so pupular in the sci-fi horror genre.

Happy Day 30 of the Age of Miracles and/or Aquarius and/or Zeke’s World! Reptilian Gay Zombie Jesus is here now…so rejoice, for he shall multiply one scrumptious brain into many!

Re: Red States defund schools
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN discussion list
Date: September 30, 2023 at 5:20 PM

On Sat, 30 Sep 2023 16:55:01 alden hope posted:

> When are people mature enough to hear about the USA’s unending warfare since WWII and its covert practices destabilizing governments all over the world, torturing and killing countless millions of people? It’s apparent that many adults, including some on this list, are still unable to handle that.

Yeah, we need a new generation of hippies to get that revolutionary ball rolling again! So I’d start teaching ’em at the pre-school level…or at least, kindergarten.

– Zeke

From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN announcement list
Date: September 30, 2023 at 9:08 PM

On Sat, 30 Sep 2023 16:26:29 geoffrey sherman posted:

> Mike is a general mental pest.

Of the worst kind…he’s actually a raving Nazi lunatic on the discussion list, spewing all sorts of reprehesible bigotry, including anti-gay and anti-black slurs. He also posts TONS of right-wing/Nazi propaganda on a frequent basis. Here on the announcement list he tones everything down to come off like some “regular” guy. I warn anyone on this list to have NOTHING to do with the psychopath, including transactions through this list, or private emails. Best to block the fool. Anyone who doubts my claims, just check out this collection of his threatening, hateful posts.

– Zeke

Re: America is Going in the Wrong Direction And Germaine think it’s al the Dems fault
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN announcement list
Date: September 30, 2023 at 9:14 PM

On Sat, 30 Sep 2023 11:25:53 mike sears posted:

> There is a test they give newborn infants. They place a cloth over their face. Some cry that they are being victimized. Others just simply take the cloth off their face. It should be evident which category the majority of those on this List fall into.

Says the biggest crybaby on this list by a long shot. Woo-hoo!

– Zeke

Subject: Sarah’s latest email response
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: October 1, 2023 at 8:55 AM

It’s dated the 29th but it didn’t show up in my mailbox till this morning.


I think you are misunderstanding what MedVidi and any other dr or place does in their process of prescribing a support animal for someone (you). There is no medication involved. It is 1 short conversation to determine you would benefit from having your pet(s) with you. That’s it. Then they write a letter that you show to anyone who cares that you have a dog(s) like your apartment management. They charge a one time fee to have the conversation with you and that’s it for a whole year.


I get it now, it’s just that they advertise themselves as a medication based service, and nowhere on their site do they mention ESA certificates. Thanks for the clarification.


Wattson, she thinks I could still have the pups visit me, despite the impossible logistics, including Deek probably disappearing when Flaco is ready to give birth. And that the new building manager wouldn’t notice I’m having a pregnant doggy stay with me on and off…or other residents, one or more who’d probably complain. There is also the matter of not having a recent checkup for the dogs, that is, within the past year, to show the landlord. I already sent her a text about this (same day as the email), which she has yet to answer. Strange, because my text was sent at 3:20 PM, and her email is time stamped 5 hours later. Stupid cell service glitches had to get in the way at the worst possible time, causing communication confusion! At any rate:

I just found MedVidi’s ESA page for what it’s worth. Happy Day 31 of the Age of Miracles and/or Aquarius and/or Zeke’s World…and I sure do need a miracle at this point!

– Zeke K-Holmes

Re: Tragedy Unfolds Like a Boss (my latest brindlekin tales chapter)
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: Lisa Harwood (MCN announcement list)
Date: October 1, 2023 at 10:35 AM

On 2023-10-01 09:09, lisa harwood wrote:

> Love your saga, Zeke . . .

Well, it’s tragic right now, but I’m sure Kismet’s compassion will kick in very soon. Yes, these are amazing true tales that have been blessing me since the pups showed up in my world. I’d kidnap these sweet little hounds if I could get away with it. You got a vehicle, and a place for us to stay? 😛

THANK YOU for your kind affirmation, Lisa! I am SO fortunate to have Marshall read passages of these tales over the airwaves.

– Zeke

Click here for a larger view.
Click here for a larger view.
Click here for a larger view.

Subject: Coffee Delayed
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: October 1, 2023 at 2:18 PM

Shortly after 8 AM I stepped out for my Rosenberg ritual, but the moment I opened the gate there were Deek and pups immediately to my right…and another vagrant sitting there who is friendly: skinny, dresses like a gypsy or should I say “hippie,” ’cause that’s where their fashion originated? I’ve seen him often in Deek’s company these days, and I’d say that’s a good thing, as he cares about the doggies and is not some spastic freakazoid. Don’t know his name yet. Anyway, see pics 1, 2 and 3:

Pic 1 was taken shortly after I brought the doggies food and water. Pic 2 shows his hippie companion, and the large janitor’s cart he got from glob only knows where, that I rearranged so the pups could have shade without the danger of the bicycle falling on them, which I laid down sideways. At one point their master awoke and hollered: “You’re doing too much, get the fuck outta here!”

“But Deek,” I calmly replied, “the dogs need some shade, they were suffering from the heat andyou didn’t do anything about it.” Right after I said that, he inadvertently knocked over the water bowl when he moved his foot while lying down on his side.

“Oops, see that? You just kicked over the bowl, so no, I’m NOT doing too much, and now I’m going back upstairs to refill it.”

He said nothing more and went back to sleep. I then fetched them a fresh bowl of H20 and made them a safe spot to rest in the shade.

Pic 3 shows them having moved around the corner to get away from the Castro Street Fair gearing up, and Sol’s hot rays.

And just for the heck of it, here’s a brief video I call “All Street Fairs are Dumb.”

Now, something interesting happened when I approached the first landing to fetch a sheet of cardboard to provide the pups with extra shade. The door to the utility room was open (which is located on the first landing, and can be seen from the lobby), and building manager Devon was standing right inside, along with another fellow…and he addressed me as I approached:

“Zeke, do you have a moment, I need to ask you something.”

“Sure,” I replied, “what’s up?” Of course I thought he was gonna ask me about my indigent friend hangin’ out by our building so often…but no, instead he queried:

“Did you hear any loud noise last night, like a crash or a bang?”

“Uh, no,” I said and shrugged my shoulders.

“Well, someone tossed a microwave down from the third floor, and two other heavy objects, and I’m trying to find out who did that!”

At first I thought he meant they were thrown out a window and onto the sidewalk, so I exclaimed:

“You’re kidding! I’m a light sleeper so I’m surprised I DIDN’T here it.” Then I paused for a sec and added: “Wait, do you mean from the back porch and onto the basement’s concrete floor?”

“Yes, I do.”

“From which floor, third or fourth?”

“Third,” he replied. “Could you keep your ears open, in case you DO hear any further noises like that, and would you let me know?”

“Of course!” I replied, then said, “That’s awful, I have NO idea who did that, but I’ll see what I can do. Sorry this is going on.”

“Thank you,” he said, and wished me a nice day…his companion did same, with a kind smile.

Now Wattson, you’d think with a camera located on each of the three porch ceilings, Devon could EASILY discover the malefactor, but obviously the cameras are NOT functioning. Nor is the one in the lobby, but we already know about THAT from a previous missive mid-July. When Victor’s apprentice informed me it wasn’t working, during the hate flyer fiasco. I’m thinking now:

What advantage do I gain from knowing these cameras don’t work, either? Maybe that wasn’t the point, but that Devon wanted a reason to reach out to me as a friend, in an offhand manner.

Deek finally departed, after spending three-plus hours in the shade behind my building. I returned his recharged battery backups and wished him a superb rest-of-the-day. He acted friendly towards me, no stupidity this time around. Flaco & Lucky, my beloved cross-species soulmates, remain in fine health and spirits.

– Zeke K-Holmes

Re: Sarah’s latest email response
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: October 1, 2023 at 2:28 PM

> And of course, when Flaco’s “blessed event” occurs, She can’t be separated from her puppy(ies). Oh, God, what a mess.

That is, indeed, the sad truth. Sarah emailed me back today, here is the conversation:


That’s odd that they don’t mention ESA. They did merge recently with EZCare and ezcare is the place that I used – sorry for that confusion!


No apology necessary! The stupid cell service (or msg. app or whatever) glitch putting a monkey wrench in the works at a most urgent time, didn’t help much. I found their ESA page this morning, BTW.

However, there’s no point in going through with getting the certificate now, since Flaco is pregnant. I warned Deek numerous times if he got her in that state I could no longer have the dogs visit. He said okay, he knows how to raise dogs, he can deal with delivering the puppies on his own. Of course I told him that would be a tragedy, she could easily get sick and die, along with the puppies. “Don’t tell ME how to raise a dog, I’ve done it all my life!” he hollered at me, just as he usually does whenever I try to get him to treat the hounds more lovingly and responsibly.

I think his plan all along was to have me help deliver the puppies IN MY ROOM. In spite of his declaring otherwise. He’ll say whatever he thinks a person wants to here, but go on with his own plan anyway, then blame that person for being a liar. So, once Flaco is ready to deliver, he’ll most likely refuse to take her, but leave me with the responsibility. This is NOT feasible under my rental agreement. Furthermore:

Residents, including the new manager, would SEE me go in and out the building with an obviously pregnant dog. The hatefulness of a few tenants toward me for being a homeless advocate, would surely inspire them to register complaints with property management, and the landlord. Further logistics re. the impossibility of my having the pooches over anymore:

I don’t have an up-to-date checkup in case the manager wants that proof. Most recent (and only) checkup they’ve had was a little over a year and a half ago, when they also got their shots. Otherwise, Deek refuses to take them for annual checkups, besides which any free aid for homeless pets, such as Vet SOS, would turn down ANY service for the female, unless he allows them to spay the poor doggy. The reason WHY they did that other checkup was because they were willing to look the other way that time around, but never again.

The dogs are NOT registered in my name, and even though that’s not a problem with MediVidi, the building manager may require I prove they are. IOW proof of vaccination may not be enough, I just don’t know because I don’t know how strict this new property management outfit will be on this issue. Though I have a hunch they are VERY strict, because property management is all about making tenants’ lives difficult, especially those who, like me, having been living there for so many years our rent is extremely low. Our shared bathroom is now without a shower head for almost a week, because it broke off, probably due to corrosion. Before property management took over, this would’ve been repaired by the next by, by our building’s long-term repairman, who was fired almost a month ago, along with his excellent apprentice.

And since the pups are known to be living on the streets, there is strong resistance against certain residents against my housing them…they’ll use every trick in the book to stop that. Deek’s frequent loitering around my building (against my wishes, which was not the original arrangement we made) and his dumping big messes out front, along with his frequent temper tantrum outbursts, have FURTHER exacerbated the hostility towards me, by several residents. MOST others are very much in support of my houseless outreach, especially how much I help with the dogs…but it only takes ONE rotten apple, as the saying goes.

Deek also smokes meth from a bubble pipe out front, often with other vagrants…which everyone in the building can see! They may be quiet while hanging out there, but the visual is alarming and offensive. No matter how often I’ve asked him not to smoke his crap right out front, go to another block for that and I’ll visit him there, he totally ignores me. Having said all this:

I have reached out to ONE homeless person so far, a young woman named Likl, who appears to be mature and responsible. I’ve asked her to help watch over Deek’s pups, especially the female ’cause she’s now pregnant. I will speak with her further, next time we meet, about providing them with blankets and sweaters, since I can no longer afford to do that myself, thanks to inflation. Deek keeps losing them instead of bringing them back for me to wash and use again. Well, he does it like a third of the time at most. My budget no longer allows me to purchase new sleeping bags (they make great doggy blankets and cost less) and sweaters almost every time I turn around! And lowering his allowance at this critical time (the pregnancy) will likely cause Deek emotional outbursts and further neglect of the mutts.

I think Likl knows OTHER vagrants of the responsible sort…and they ARE out there, they are not ALL pathetic dimbulbs. I’ve MET some of them over the years, including when I was homeless way back in 1973. Keeping my fingers crossed that LIkl’s kind intervention will achieve excellent results. Further pressures:

There appears to be a tenant mutiny in the works, either a lawsuit or a proposal to form a tenants’ union, or maybe BOTH. But so far I haven’t learned much about it and the Facebook page they supposedly set up about a year ago, is impossible for me to find. Plus, one of the residents who’s part of this rebellion, hasn’t given me the exact URL, they just said to search for “2306 Market Street San Francisco” and I’ll find it at the top of the results list, or close to it. Well, no, it doesn’t show up at all, just other Market Street SF pages. When I next saw them, I gave them my card with my email and phone number on the back, asked her to use either service to send me the link, and I will give them the link to the records I have on my Google Drive, about a lawsuit against the landlord back in 2002, that we won. But that was five days ago and they still haven’t followed up.

When I went to a LARC worshop recently, I told them of this tenants union project, asked how I should deal with it because some are urging all residents to stop paying rent. The attorney advised me, until I learn more about them, and how many are already signed on, it’s best I continue paying rent. Especially in consideration that property management most likely has me red flagged because I’m the longest term tenant paying the lowest rent, by a long shot. And they are very likely to come up with other ways to try to evict me, regardless. In sum, I’d like to end this overlong missive with the following observation:

Some of those living in this building, including our senile former manager still on his death bed but soon to expire, are every bit as dysfunctional, bratty and nasty as Deek. The ONLY difference I see, is they have wads of money to throw around and keep a roof over their heads. So I’m dealing with an idiot on the outside, and several in my building. Thanks again for letting me express these matters as I see them, Sarah.

–end of conversation

Re: One Hour of Mind-Blowing Scientific Theories on Conscious Universe
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN discussion list
Date: October 1, 2023 at 4:24 PM

On Sun, 1 Oct 2023 01:48:20 alden hope posted:

> What’s so great about this, my favorite part, is that I have no idea what either of you are talking about.

You should go see a doctor then, Agent Hope, for short term memory loss issues. They have excellent medication for that these days. Both Agent Merang and myself addressed the matter clearly and tersely.

> I am pleased, at a comfortable distance, to see that it is making both of you so very happy.

Deflecting the real issue–which is your self-rigteous blather about being a Christian, as if it made you superior over others who are NOT–is copping out from your own mistaken notions which are also ARROGANT. I don’t think EITHER of us is happy to confront you on this, Alden. Your snarky retort is only to your disgrace. Woo-hoo!

– Zeke

From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN discussion list
Date: October 1, 2023 at 4:45 PM

On Sun, 1 Oct 2023 17:02:45 alden hope posted:

> Poor Mike Sears has run out of drugs and is in a really foul mood again today, crying and whining and looking for attention from her elders and betters.

It would behoove you, Agent Hope, to stop using feminine pronouns as a pejorative retort. It degrades your otherwise righteous slam on Sears.

> Message to Mike: No one likes you. No one is coming to your rescue.

Nothing could be closer to the truth.

– Eugene Frank Catalano
He who was conceived in a petri dish in a Nazi experiment in a lab located somewhere in Brooklyn, and went on to conquer the four dimensions and turn on his creators. Coming to your neighborhood theater soon, 3-D glasses provided!

Re: More Target Stores Close in S.F. Seattle, New York and Portland. Proving Progressive Democratic Politicians a Failure to Democracy. Revoke the Woke.
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN discussion list
Date: October 1, 2023 at 5:10 PM

On Sun, 1 Oct 2023 11:09:45 mike sears posted:

> i.e. zeke -“all Trump voters and Christians should be killed “

Taken out of context, I am talking about the EXTREMISTS of both factions, those who preach and carry out murdering innocent people. And Trumpists and Christian fanatics DO such things. IOW: those who instigate murder should be killed, themselves. I thought you were FOR capital punishment, Agent Sears…will wonders never cease. Furthermore:

Dale Pinecone is just another one of your sock demons, uses a gmail address and you respond to him immediately ’cause you set it all up in the first place. Woo-hoo!

– Zeke

Re: More Target Stores Close in S.F. Seattle, New York and Portland. Proving Regressive Rethuglican Politicians a Failure to Democracy. Revoke the Undead.
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN discussion list
Date: October 1, 2023 at 5:14 PM

On Sun, 1 Oct 2023 18:48:46 alden hope posted:

> Nobody’s “fixating” except you, Dale Pinecone with your fixation on choosing a ridiculous name.

Ridiculous because that’s usually the kind of pseudonyms Agent Sears creates for his sock demons, lately. “Phallicsymbol” and “Microdick” come immediately to mind as proof.

– Zeke

Subject: I was on tenterhooks…
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: October 1, 2023 at 7:19 PM

…when a short while ago I saw Deek and dogs approaching from across Noe Street, with his large cart. Figuring he’s probably gonna call up to my window and ask me to sit the pups outside for two or three hours while he collects discarded cans and bottles. Which I surmised was a bad idea amid the cleaning crews, post-street fair, including loud trucks rumbling along and stopping for a few minutes here and there to collect the rubbish. If he DID ask me to do that, I’d BEG him to let me bring the brindlekin, including their food and blankets, right around the corner, behind the building. For which he’d probably grow angry and insist I keep them out front.

I had already spotted him a few minutes earlier when I stepped outside to see if I could find loose grocery bags that I use to fill with doggy food to-go, ’cause I’m almost out. I was ALSO hoping to pick up a few more plastic bowls and containers I could wash and reuse for the mutts’ food and water provisions.

He was beside the newsstand on the opposite corner by the old Cafe Flore, fussing with the contents of his cart. He didn’t see me, nor did the mutts, so I rushed back upstairs. Once inside, I peeked out my window to see them crossing the street, then pause by the bus stop to rummage through the trash bins. He didn’t bother to glance up at my window, where I stood back so he wouldn’t spot me, and thus be inspired to call me downstairs. Though he might anyway, I didn’t want to play the blatant “I’m here, I’m here!” card.

I remained concealed as they then proceeded towards Castro Street and passed below my window. Still, no “Yo!” from My Cajun Albatross. Some fifteen seconds later I figured it MIGHT be safe to look outside again, but it was possible he’d be right below, parked by the old ATM depot. He wasn’t. Instead, I saw the little trio moseying a half block up, continuing their search for recyclables. This may surprise you, Wattson, but I cheered him on in my thoughts:

“Good for you, Deek!”

For it occurred to me how important it is to NOT be so dependent upon my largess anymore, that he need become more responsible for his care of the quadrupeds. He seemed to SENSE that now is a bad time to have me watch his furry charges, just as I did…and for the same reason! Of course (and as you know so well, kind medic) I believe this is all scripted, meaning my nerve-racking mission of three-plus years is over, the dogs’ll be fine, they and their master have always HAD a real home to go to, and veterinarian care…and Deek is now unwinding this odyssey down to a winning solution for all parties involved.

Even Flaco’s pregnancy is fake! Don’t know how they do it but my guardians OBVIOUSLY possess much shamanic power, even “magic” might be the right word to use from the perspective of us mere mortals.

Thus saith My Bodhisattva Premise, via the gentle patter of Pterry Pterodactyl’s words caressing my eardrum. May you have a lovely evening, Morticia, and a night BLESSED with an inspiring dream or two.

– Zeke K-Holmes

Re: I was on tenterhooks…
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: October 1, 2023 at 8:19 PM

> YOU’RE on tenterhooks (what are those, anyway?)? I’M on tenterhooks!!!!!! About Flaco, I mean…

THREE good people now, on tenterhooks and with a broken heart, over my Brindlekin Tales. Let us hope it increases phenomenally fast, for then compassionate intervention may save the day.

– Zeke K-Holmes

P.S.: I just texted Sarah the following message: “What we are fighting for:” with a link to this video:

Re: I was on tenterhooks…
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: October 1, 2023 at 9:21 PM

Sarah quickly replied, see attachment.

Texting w/Wattson: 10/2/23

Re: One Hour of Mind-Blowing Scientific Theories on Conscious Universe
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN discussion list
Date: October 2, 2023 at 12:12 PM

On Sun, 1 Oct 2023 23:49:15 alden hope posted:

> As Jesus said,

Jesus didn’t say anything, Agent Hope, because he never existed. As for the quote: NOT original in the least, you are simply perpetuating Christianism’s attempt to hold a monopoly on morality. And you are one of its brainwashed puppets.

> so it applies no less to you for your daily failures in toxicity,

Not meaning to rain on your parade, but the toxicity is all yours, fool. Woo-hoo!

– Zeke

My Missive to Carlyle, Sept 29th:

Why not email Marshall McGee, narrator of my tales, tell him I invited you to read your pieces on his radio show? He welcomes anyone, anywhere in the world! He might start with a call-in interview, where you talk about our many years’ association, and our common mission on behalf of LGBT rights. Or you can start by sending him one of your pieces (essay or a poem perhaps, or even a tale), with a preface stating I invited you to send your writing in. I think he’d be VERY interested in your ideas, in light of our association. You can just send him a piece right off the bat (figure one that will take from 5 to 12 minutes to narrate). Then a bit later he might ask if you’d like to call in some time. His email is: memooftheweird@mcn.org.

You can estimate how long any piece should take to read aloud, here:

Script Timer


October 2nd (his reply):

Ezekiel, thanks, I will certainly consider this. Regards, Carlyle.

And my response, same day:

I think it would be to your benefit, you have so much to tell the world, and this radio station also streams live on the Internet, and turns each one into a podcast the next day. So anyone in the world can listen to it, either live or later on, whenever they wish. I will be more than glad to splice out anything of yours he reads and turn it into a separate audio clip, which you can download for your own archives, and distribute elsewhere.

Re: Newsom picks ….
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN discussion list
Date: October 2, 2023 at 4:29 PM

On Mon, 2 Oct 2023 20:09:07 Mel Porter posted:

> Little racist Mikey would say it?s based on meritocracy. Yet, his own story belies that proposition, since as the white cream he only rose to the bottom.

Let’s show a little accuracy here, Agent Porter: that’s not cream, that’s pus!

– Zeke

Re: Newsom picks ….
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN discussion list
Date: October 2, 2023 at 4:49 PM

On Mon, 2 Oct 2023 21:50:08 Mel Porter posted:

> Here come the racists, scurrying out of the garbage.

Exactly. Agent Titzler really SHINES in that department. As if Laphonza Butler did not already have a history of achievements under her belt, on behalf of working people and the oppressed, and does not possess a brilliant mind way above the average person of any color. As if our society has no NEED to elevate people from disenfranchised, persecuted minorities in order to make this a nation to be proud of, rather than ashamed. I’d like to blame it on Titzler’s cancerous brain rot, but I have a sneaking suspicion he’s been a white supremacist bastard all along.

– Zeke

Subject: The Timing/The Pattern/The Clue
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: October 2, 2023 at 7:28 PM

– Sarah appearing out of the blue to offer free veterinarian care, which evolves into a struggle to save the brindlekin’s lives. Her tremendous support and compassion.

– Property management takeover and all the misery that implies.

– Three LARC visits in one month.

– Asshole Scooter showing up again.

– New building manager forcing my hand to ban the pups from my building.

– Shared shower no longer functioning.

– Small, but illegal, rent increase.

– Flaco’s unexpected pregnancy.

All in a surprisingly compressed period of time. As if it were some brilliant script for the most wonderful doggy tale ever told. A ton of joy, and tons more heartbreak that threatens to end in tragedy…but a wonderful final outcome comprising the final chapter, I’m sure. Normal reality does NOT work like this, crises/events are messy and strung out over a much longer period of time.

Not to mention other events of a glowing nature interspersed among the crises:

– An amazing talk with Cortez before he departs for good.

– My sterling letter of reference presented to Victor.

– A stunning commendation by another resident over my loving care of the doggies.

– Connecting with Poppy Leeds re. tenant rebellion (and consequent proof I’m a decent human being in that purse scenario).

– My conversation with Likl to watch over Deek’s charges, and help in various ways.

In that lies the bodhisattva clue: the pattern and the timing of these events, all packed together in weeks, not months. But even if the time span were months, it would still be unusual in reality’s normal scheme of things. My conclusion:

Kismet has so deemed the pups be removed from my sanctuary for a time. I cannot see how this pattern will transform into a benevolent resolution, but that does NOT mean it won’t. It is just that I’ve reached the point in my good works where Almighty Gay Glob steps in and takes over, since further sacrifice on my part would be abominable.

A surprise is in store that will lighten our hearts. Nay, not just lighten them, but ignite an eternal flame of joy. Were I the author of this script (which I am not, though I am clearly the hero) here’s how the final act would unfold:

Compassionate, highly advanced beings will make their presence known across all media platforms, some of whom are already here, but the rest shall descend in magnificent starships. Their leaders will first come to me and grant me all power over this planet, and with that, bring the mutts safe and sound to my humble abode. And because I will have a glowing aura around my countenance by then, no one will question my authority, but do my bidding posthaste, whatever it is at any moment. So much for fearing the wrath of Gaetani/Arikat.

Hotel California North will be magically transformed overnight into a fairy tale castle surrounded by luxurious gardens in the place of Market Street out front, and 16th Street in back. All hostile residents will be driven out immediately, usurped only by those who adore yours truly, some of whom will be exquisitely HANDSOME men, of course (I’m sure you saw THAT one coming, Morticia)! Deek will ALSO have a nice home, though far from my own locale and minus Flaco & Lucky, with the company of two guardians to guide him in the right direction in a loving fashion. He will have no choice in the matter.

From this fantastic beginning will fan out miracles across the planet, liberating all suffering souls from the shackles of Moloch, one of which is called “capitalism.” I need not embellish further, as it suffices to have denoted a happy ending in three short paragraphs. But when will this final act commence, you may be asking right now?

At any day or moment.

– Zeke K-Holmes

Subject: Please sign my petition against Rothschild Bankers’ inequitable and cruel distribution of their wealth!
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN announcement, MCN discussion
Date: October 2, 2023 at 9:38 PM

Hi. I have been poor and gay all my life. I blame the Rothschild Central Bankers for creating this unhappy scenario, in large part. That’s why I created a petition to Rothschild Central Bankers, Rothschild Central Bankers, which says:

“We demand that you Rothschild Central Bankers stop funneling most of your resources to the uber-rich, and spread it evenly among the poor and the disenfranchised…staring with LGBT folks around the world. RIGHT NOW. OR ELSE.”

Will you sign my petition? Click here to add your name. Thanks!

– Zeke

Re: We’re in the Middle of another Judy Vidafear Coup – Here’s How We Stop It
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN announcement list
Date: October 3, 2023 at 8:13 AM

On Mon, 2 Oct 2023 20:47:51 Judy Vivafear posted:

> The World Health Organization’s upcoming pandemic treaty and the International Health Regulation (IHR) amendments are part of a global “soft coup” to strip nations of their sovereignty and people of their bodily autonomy and freedom

You and Al Nudnik make quite the conspiracy nut-job pair on this list, Ms. Vidafear! As if your plethora of anti-vax nonsense during the covid crisis didn’t do enough damage, here you are again spreading dangerous lies and paranoia, and making an utter fool of yourself, sharing an article from “Doctor” Mercola, the biggest quack in cyberspace who’s in it only for the moolah, turning dumb folks like you into his free advertisers. And of course Mr. Nudnik is gonna play offa that, and contribute his OWN conspiracy sources, then act offended when someone like me confronts the unrepentant goofball. Thank The Great Gay Glob MOST subscribers here have blocked BOTH of you. Woo-hoo!

– Zeke

Re: We’re in the Middle of another Judy Vidafear Coup – Here’s How We Stop It
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN announcement list
Date: October 3, 2023 at 1:58 PM

On 2023-10-03 10:40, alden hope posted:

> Stick to feeding your puppies, Zeke, you’re way out of your element, demonstrating your shameless but still embarrassing ignorance about this topic. If we were to be asked whether to believe Dr. Mercola or you on this topic, it would be an easy choice between a well-informed expert in the field and an uninformed amateur who has no credentials or credibility.

What a conspiracy jackass YOU’VE turned out to be, Mr. Hope. Mercola, “well-informed expert?” What a joke, and a sick one at that. Woo-hoo!

– Zeke

Click here for a larger view.
Click here for a larger view.
Click here for a larger view.
Click here for a larger view.

Subject: Good Morning, Wattson!
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: October 3, 2023 at 1:09 PM

And a happy Day 33 of the Age of Miracles and/or Aquarius and/or Zeke’s World! Got up brighter and earlier than usual ’cause I didn’t want Deek waking me up before the allotted hour of 9 AM. Which he often does when it’s his allowance day, even though the Chase branch doesn’t open before then. IOW I’d rather be awake already, just in case, or I’ll get pissed. Imagine a monkey on YOUR back, good doctor, needlessly waking you up well before the alarm rings, for the prank of it all! And not even inviting you to sit downstairs with the doggies.

Seeing as it was almost 8:30 and they had yet to show up I decided to step out to purchase my morning brew. But once I crossed 16th Street, there were the pups hopping up and down, eager to greet me…sweetest jack-in-the-box moment ever, they popped up outta nowhere! They and their master were resting in the top-step alcove of that sports nutrition store on the corner (with the stupid name of “Max Muscle”) and I certainly didn’t expect to see them there, as it’s definitely NOT one of their regular parking spots.

Deek was lying down on his side, still sound asleep, but my disruption stirred him awake, and he groggily enquired: “You gettin’ my allowance now?” Naturally, that would be the first thing he’d say, rather than good morning or glad to see you, Zeke…or BOTH, Glob forbid.

“No, it’s too early, Deek,” I replied, now resting on a step myself, hugging/scritching the brindlekin. “Not for a half hour yet, I was just going for coffee.”

He immediately resumed his slumber, and I decided to keep the hounds company and skip the java for the nonce. After all, they were SO delighted to be in my arms again, how could I EVER rate them below my first sip of crank for the day…or anything else for that matter, even the miraculous appearance of Nyarlathotep His Resplendently Abhorrent Self, seeking my immediate attention! That would have to wait, too.

They appeared to be in radiant health and spirits as always, you’ll be glad to know.

After several minutes I realized I should take some snapshots, so I gently told the quadrupeds to wait, I’ll be right back, pat them on their noggins and took off. Now, you have the excellent results:

Pic 1 shows them joyfully awaiting my return. They had already sat up the moment they saw me standing on the opposite corner, waiting to cross!

In pic 2 they are resting again beside their master, as I departed to procure his allowance.

Pic 3 is where the trio had moved to by the time I got back.

And finally, pic 4 shows that same scene from the hallway window of my building: so near and yet so far!

“Hey, Deek!” I called to him while nudging his shoulder with my foot. “Here’s your allowance, in three one hundred dollar bills this time…the ATM refused to spit out anything smaller!”

He opened his eyes halfway and smiled as he accepted the folded envelope and stuffed it in his pocket. Then fell right back to sleep. I stayed with the dogs for another two minutes, then departed. But just when I reached the front gate I realized:

“Dammit, I forgot my coffee!”

PO’d because I’d now have to walk by Flaco & Lucky TWICE instead of just once (had I remembered the coffee), and I HATE disappointing them whenever they see me since I KNOW they’re hoping to visit my sanctuary again. It feels like I’m TEASING these precious little furry love-balls! The endearing, forlorn expression on Flaco’s visage as I stand up to leave is ESPECIALLY crushing, though her brother’s yearning regard runs a close second. I was thus nailed to the cross TWICE in the short span of five minutes! Or FOUR times if you wanna count both dogs separately.

“Did I really need my caffeine elixir THAT badly?” I now wonder, and feel ashamed of myself because the answer is clearly NO. For I COULD have waited until they departed from that spot, and fixed myself a cuppa tea instead.

At any rate, I stepped back out 20 minutes later to bring ’em food and water, which they accepted with canine gusto. This aroused Deek, who mumbled something about it’s nice I’m feeding them, now just leave us alone. I ignored that and stood by to watch them eat, in case either pup pushed their meal too far away to easily reach. They soon finished, but Lucky persisted in licking his now-empty container, so I figured I should bring them a second can of chunky chicken stew (half serving for each), this time minus any kibble.

I did that, and noticed they might need a topping off of the water bowl, as it was already down to just a third of its original amount. But when I returned with a 2-liter soda bottle of H2O (to pour into the bowl), there were a couple of firemen speaking with Deek, their emergency truck parked alongside.

So, after crossing 16th I stood at a polite distance to watch the scene unfold. Deek was already awake and standing, about to depart with the pups, which he did only seconds later. Then one of the firemen turned to me and said:

“We just stopped by to see if he’s okay…somebody called and asked us to do a wellness check. We didn’t tell him to leave!”

“Oh, I see,” I replied with a smile, “much appreciated.”

I then gave the two kind fellows a quick rundown of my association with him, that I’ve been helping with the pups for over three years, but he’s bipolar, a difficult person to deal with.

“I recently found a nice home for them, but he doesn’t wanna give them up. And now he had to get that little dog pregnant, against my begging him never to do that,” I ended with a shrug and a piqued expression on my face.

The fireman said he’d like to offer him a bottle of water, then quickly retrieved it outta the truck, which was now parked around the corner on 16th Street, ten feet behind them.

“That’s great,” I replied. “A kind gesture always goes a long way.” To which I embellished, taking this golden opportunity to convey a significant point:

“Besides, I’m just one person who can only check up on Deek and the dogs now and then, when they’re near my building. I live right over there.”

I then looked back up Noe Street to see Deek had his charges sit by the curb in front of Rosenberg’s while he stepped inside to purchase whatever with one of those Benjamins I gave him. I turned to the firemen who seemed about to give up and leave, and said:

“I think he’s comin’ back, let’s see!”

We all three watched as he picked up the leashes and seemed about to walk in our direction and return to his spot where the pooches’ food and water still sat.

“Would you like some water?” one of the firemen called out, holding the bottle above his head.

But Deek ignored him and suddenly veered left to cross Noe Street…mumbling loud enough for us to hear, how people keep waking him him up, won’t allow him to get a good night’s sleep. (Well it was almost 10 AM Wattson, so what’s he griping on about?) I watched as they proceeded further along and crossed over to the shady side of Market Street.

By then the firemen were gone, so I didn’t have the chance to thank them again, and wish them a good day. Nothing left to do but pick up the wasted dog food and water, and return hovel. But I was overjoyed for this friendly encounter with two outstanding soldiers from the SFFD division. For it suggests my doggy network IS growing! After all, Wattson, if the fire department knows about them, guaranteed they’ll be watched over, for the sake of those sweet little mutts alone, if not Deek himself!

And it’s just as well he got up and left, as the sun was growing hot and Flaco & Lucky should be taken somewhere to a shady location. And so they were.

– Zeke K-Holmes


How did that fireman know to talk with me? After all, I was standing fifteen feet away, half hidden by a lamppost, and thus not OBVIOUS, I could’ve been standing around for ANY reason, and pedestrians were strolling by in both directions, so it’s not like I stuck out like a sore thumb! They weren’t there to see me set down their food and water bowls, which happened minutes before they showed up. Another bodhisattva clue? The implication being this fireman (perhaps BOTH) already know who I am. They’re ACTORS in the script!

Re: Bidenomics Prove Joe Biden Is A Buffoon. The Real Clown Show.
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN discussion list
Date: October 3, 2023 at 6:26 PM

On Tue, 3 Oct 2023 02:42:43 alden hope posted:

> Of course, I will vote for him and VP Harris

Jeez, by your ridiculous conspiracy rant earlier today, Agent Hope, I was SURE you were gonna write-in Dr. Mercola the cyberspace quack, in the voting booth! Will wonders never cease? Woo-hoo!

– Zeke

Re: Please sign my petition against Rothschild Bankers’ inequitable and cruel distribution of their wealth!
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN announcement, MCN discussion
Date: October 3, 2023 at 10:03 PM

On 2023-10-03 21:49, mike sears wrote:

> You blame the Rothschilds for being gay ? LOL LOL LOL One of your best delusions of grandeur and victim accusations to date.

It was a joke, goofball…intended to snag homophobic bigots like you. And it worked. LOL

> Oh, thank you ! I have tears streaming down my face from laughing at this. This is HYSTERICAL !! OMG this is FUNNY !!!!!

Hysterical indeed, that was my intention all along. But NOT at all in the way you think it is, Nazi clown.

– Zeke

Re: Please sign my petition against Rothschild Bankers’ inequitable and cruel distribution of their wealth!
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN announcement, MCN discussion
Date: October 3, 2023 at 10:35 PM

On 2023-10-03 22:17, mike sears wrote:

> Keep ’em coming you crazy mentally ill faggot. I haven’t laughed that hard in weeks. the BEST comedy on the net !

This list is so lucky to have you.

– Zeke

Re: Please sign my petition against Rothschild Bankers’ inequitable and cruel distribution of their wealth!
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN announcement, MCN discussion
Date: October 3, 2023 at 11:21 PM

On 2023-10-03 22:40, alden hope wrote:

> “Demand”?? “Or else”?? LOL R U crazy, Zeke or just retarded? Your sorry petition will go nowhere. What possible arm do you have to make powerful people whom you have chosen to be your adversaries do what you want?

It was a kind of joke, Alden, intended to draw out the nastiness of our token Nazi lunatic, Mike Sears. But I guess it’s also a type of social experiment, a net if you will, to bring the vermin outta the woodwork, that is: those eager to attack me with vitriolic insults, by making myself vulnerable. And in so doing they reveal a LOT about themselves that isn’t very nice (to put it politely). What a shame YOU have tossed yourself into that mix, with fervor! But at this point I’m really not surprised.

Pleasant dreams. I remain, as always:

Jehovah’s Queer Witness

Texting w/Wattson: 10/4/23



Re: Please sign my petition against Rothschild Bankers’ inequitable and cruel distribution of their wealth!
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN announcement, MCN discussion
Date: October 4, 2023 at 8:58 AM

On 2023-10-04 05:47, mike sears wrote:

> “those eager to attack me with vitriolic insults, by making myself vulnerable” You poor VICTIM ! Won’t they ever understand that just because you’re a paranoid schizophrenic homosexual pedophile welfare queen who has lived off a mental disability check all your adult life, your opinion has as much credence as anyone else’s. You’re a victim of PREJUDICE !

YOU, as the current President of the “I Hate Zeke Fan Club,” are shirking your duties. It obviously puts much meaning into your life to project all your hatred and delusional Nazi fantasies at me, but in the noble position as President it is ALSO your duty to SHARE that meaning to other members of the club. With regular, face to face get-togethers, say, twice a month AT LEAST. And supplement that with Zoom conferences.

But you are doing neither. So here’s what I suggest to get the ball rolling (or you shall lose your privileged seat as top honcho in “The I Hate Zeke Fan Club”):

Seeing as Agent Hope has been particularly nasty to me of late, you two should have a little get-together at this or that coffeehouse, or even a fast-food joint. Enjoy the satisfaction of skewering me for hours. Maybe even bring a little voodoo doll in my image, for added delight. Then, for the next gathering, invite one or two OTHER folks who vilify me, such as Al Nudnik (for example, but Judy Vidafear is also a viable hater). So that your NEXT get-together is comprised of three to five people. Supplementary Zoom meetings will likely aid in acquiring even MORE haters for this club.

And before you know it, the “I Hate Zeke Fan Club” will balloon into DOZENS of active members, for whom you can charge, say, $5/month for added perks. Then there’s the matter of merch: T-shirts, hats, coffee mugs, etc. With “I Hate Zeke” emblazoned across them, in fanciful colors. Glitter enhancement would be a bonus, maybe charge a few dollars more for that.

I hope you will take these suggestions to heart, Agent Sears, else you will find yourself suddenly replaced by a NEW President who is capable of running the organization with efficiency, profitability and, of course, aplomb.


Ezekiel Joseph Krahlin
Soon to be the most hated man on the planet by troglodytes, Trumpists, bimbos, fascist trolls and other assorted fools who do their best to make life on earth a miserable slog. Woo-hoo!

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