It’s the Restrooms, Stupid!

April 30, 2016

The “no-trannies-in-the-john” debacle is spreading across Europe now. This article’s out of England:

Lesbian Teen Kicked Out of McDonalds for Using Wrong Bathroom, Failing to Prove Gender

Nonetheless it inspired me to compose the following piece about the same thing going on in our nation:

One woman’s FB comment to a butch lesbian not being allowed to enter a woman’s restroom: “So what’ll happen when a feminine looking gay tries to enter a men’s bathroom.” To which I responded: “What makes you think this sexist bigotry will limit itself to gay men and women?”

It’s a 2-pronged prejudice sweeping across Amerika: anti-female and anti-LGBT. Bathroom locales are now the official bashing stations for every macho hero to invade. San Francisco and other gay friendly blue-state cities will not be immune to this bigotry. This will, of course, spread out from the restrooms to every aspect of our society.

Unless women dress and act ultra-feminine, they will become targets. And unless men dress and act ultra-masculine, they, too, will become targets. Male sounding names like “Sloane” and “Bobbie” will label a woman as “suspect”. And non-butch names like “Eugene” and “Marvin” will put some men on the danger list.

These will number among the New Commandments of the Virtual Republic of Gilead (which will be these entire United States, whether blue or red):

– Men shall not wear glasses, carry a book or umbrella; they shall not wear bright colors or allow their hair to grow below the ear lobe.

– Women shall not wear pants or shoes that are not high heeled, nor shall they pursue any occupation that is clearly intended for the male of the species.

– Men shall only speak in a deep, bass or baritone voice; women shall only speak in a shrill soprano or mezzo-soprano voice. (Any male who understands these musical terms shall be summarily executed.)

– Men shall either appear in public with a female partner, or accompanied by no one; vice-versa for the female.

– No one without an authentic birth certificate matching their gender shall be permitted to use a public or business restroom, unless they reveal their genitals to a security guard or other designated employee, or an officer of the law (and said genitals pass the grade).

– A fully mature gerbil shall be forced up the anus of each suspect. If the gerbil refuses to exit of its own free will, suspect shall be charged with homosexual urges and punished accordingly.

The list goes on, ad absurdum. I imagine there will be “speakeasy” lavatories that one can use for a steep fee. Citizens will be financially rewarded for reporting suspected abuse of a restroom. And there will be gov’t sanctioned, animated billboards to encourage bashing, such as:

One that depicts a classically wimpy type dropping to his knees in an attempt to give some uber macho dude a blow job. The dude will, of course, spit on the “faggot” (who bears an eerie resemblance to Harvey Milk) and kick him into a bloody mess. The animation will repeat itself in an endless loop, caption in gaudy neon: “Do not fear the preying queer.”

Then we’ll have another billboard for the fairer sex, depicting a dykish looking female (clipped hair, sneakers, Levi pants) suddenly being raped by that same uber macho dude. And the caption will declare: “YOU wear the pants, not the Billy Nance.”

There will be flyers, postage stamps, decals, TV ads, airplane and blimp banners and Internet pop-ups of that nature, proliferating the national landscape. And, of course, TV series like the one I depicted in my tale, “Queer Reality TV.”

As increasing numbers of heterosexuals get sucked into this pogrom, there will rise a great resistance composed of women’s rights and LGBT rights activists and their supporters. A little further down the line, African Americans will join in. The tables will turn, and once the dust settles, all restrooms will be unisex, with locks on every door.

Oh why can’t Amerikans make such cultural changes with ease, as the Europeans do? No, we have to be super drama queens around every little issue.

And every little tissue.

UPDATE 10/2016

Well lookie here, Providential Reader, just six months after I posted the above blog entry, pro-Trump troglodytes came up with the following logo. From a news article entitled: “Trump bumper sticker shows Confederate flag gay bashing rainbow flag.” Am I a queer prophet, or what?

FB Censorship

April 10, 2016

Facebook just censored one of my posts today. Perhaps it was my “death to gays” phrase taken out of context. But this explains why I’ve had to frequently pass through FB’s security test these past few weeks…sometimes as often as several times per hour, even two or three comments in a row. A new window pops up, asking you to click on every image that looks like a tiger (for example)…nine images total to choose from. Once you’ve selected all the correct images, your message will then be posted. THEY’RE WATCHING ME! Is this homophobia? Has some nasty person been reporting me, as a form of harassment? Or is it more sinister, such as NSA intrusion? Anywyaz, the comment they censored (which you can see in captured image form below) refers to my criticism of the moderate, gay friendly churches’ lack of truly pro-active confrontation against the homophobic churches. Now that I’ve posted it again (albeit in image format), let’s see what happens next. Maybe they’ll take /that/ message down, too…and ban me from their service. If such an event does happen, anyone can reach me via this email form:


Reference: Beware the Social Media Brown Shirts

Bernie & the Bird

April 8, 2016

Huffington Post had fun with it (click on image to see more silly pics):

Coincidence or prophecy? I came up with this parody of the Twitter hashtag #FeelTheBern about a week before Senator Sanders “got the bird”:

Wow, Bernie’s invited to speak at the Vatican. It may not be kosher, but I’m impressed!

Wasn’t the Pope also a victim of “fowl” play in recent times?

If only Alfred Hitchcock were still alive, I’m sure he’d have something to say about this.