It Pays to be Poor

June 12, 2021

[BRINDLEKIN TALES – Book 4: Chapter 13]

Subject: Bigger Box, Bigger Fun [my latest video – 1 min.]
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: Zeke’s Mailing List
Date: June 2, 2021 10:58 AM

Canine lebensraum!

Re: SF to spend $1,000,000,000 on the homeless for the next two years!
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: June 2, 2021 1:16 PM

> Good strategy!

The strategy is not mine if I didn’t set it up that way in the first place! Which I didn’t. It’s Deek’s own drama-queen public displays that get all the credit. If I want to continue reaching out to the pups, I very much need Deek in my world, of course. In which case I have NO option to hide my business with him from the local houseless. I’m an open book whether I like it or not. At first, I didn’t…but now I see the wisdom in the way things are playing out.

– Zeke K-Holmes

Re: Well guess who’s back…Arwyn!
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: June 2, 2021 1:41 PM

> Possible they know each other already?

According to my Bodhisattva Premise, indeed they do! And explains why Deek never fails to retort (whenever I mention Arwyn): “I’ve never met the guy, you’re making this all up.” IOW he wouldn’t be so eager to negate me, were this not a clever setup. As you know, Wattson, I’ve brought this up many times before. All the world’s a stage, and I’m the star dupe. But a happy one, even for that.

– Zeke K-Holmes

Re: The Pups are Back!
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: June 2, 2021 11:02 PM

> I like this a lot.

Thank you, good physician! If one believes in God, and that if he or she is a LOVING God, then my Bodhisattva Premise (a.k.a. “NeoPositivity”) is the only theory that fits like a glove.

So Deek dropped by two hours ago to pick up the pups. But he also discussed further, his frustrations with HOT (Homeless Outreach Team): how they keep brushing him off. I told him that a billion dollars will soon be applied to resolving the homeless issue in SF, “so just hang in there. Don’t let any setback ruin your day. I’m very impressed with your persistence, and that you won’t settle for any old offer that comes along, that seems grossly inadequate. Things WILL open up for you.”

He wasn’t depressed over it, just talked matter-of-fact. Deek has changed…for the better. I reminded him that he has something far better than anyone else: those two wonderful doggies, Flaco & Lucky. He agreed, said they’ll be with him the rest of his life. I also thanked him for allowing me the wonderful company of his pooches, and for giving them a luxurious break from the street scene. I think he was heartened by my encouraging praise for his diligence. He is off to a good start, a new start! And so am I.

Earlier today, I approached the front gate with the pups, right when the building manager had also arrived. He held the door open for us, and kindly remarked: “They don’t bark any more!”

I told him that it just took them longer to adapt, because this pandemic made encounters with other people in the hallway less frequent than usual. The only thing now is, they’ll bark at any dog they see inside, because they run into that situation rarely, maybe once every other month.

The mutts were totally silent all the while, patiently waiting for me to end the conversation and return hovel. Upon activating my Moto E 2020, I found an email from It contained the instructions of what equipment to send back, with a bar code to show UPS, which they’ll convert into a shipping label, to deliver my package back to Chronic headquarters in Santa Roja. I kept the original box it came in, so packaging the items was a cinch. Everything’s ready to go for tomorrow morning, when I’ll step into the UPS store down the block. What a relief!

I am SO delighted about my Xfinity service, AND the Moto device w/Tracfone unlimited! As I am for this sea change in Deek’s attitude. With Arwyn lurking in the wings, ready to appear onstage at any moment. I just hope I get my lines right…I don’t think I have a prompter.

– Zeke K-Holmes

P.S.: I just uploaded a 13-minute video called “Blanket War,” and it’s an exquisite study of how well Flaco & Lucky play together. And what a good sport Lucky is to his sister..and ME! A lovely little piece of video vérité; a treasure to behold!

P.P.S.: When is this trilogy gonna end? The Final Chapter of book 3 is already up to part 12, or the letter L! Will it extend to Z and beyond? If so, what symbols will I use in place of the alphabet? EBCDIC? My geeky readers would love that! At any rate, this awesome trilogy can NOT end on any note other than a jubilant one. So plod on I will, no matter how many parts of “The Final Chapter” it takes! That woman who kept adding on to the Winchester Mystery House had nothing over me!

Subject: Of course…the pups stay overnight with Arwyn!
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: June 3, 2021 2:56 PM

Why didn’t I think of that sooner, Wattson? Seeing as I’ve concluded a long time ago that Deek and he KNOW each other (while pretending not to), I should’ve come to that conclusion well before today. They ALL live together…where, I do not know. Though I’m sure it’s somewhere in the Castro. Now get this, Wattson:

Deek’s cousin, Dominic, KNOWS about Arwyn, yet insists they don’t hang out together, or have anything to do with each other. Yet reports come in to me now and then, of seeing the two walking together in friendly conversation. I’ve even TOLD Deek that, since he doubts Arwyn’s very existence, just ask his cousin if he’s real or not. His reply?

“Oh, I hardly see Dominic any more.”

Another curious thing about Deek, is he NEVER lets me take strolls with him, or hang out anywhere else but beside my building or just across the street…and even then it’s never more than a short while. The rare times I’ve attempted to accompany him on a walk, he grew upset and demanded to be left alone, as if I were stalking him. Naturally, I wrote this off to his excessive sense of independence, and wanting to keep his street life separate from his “Zeke life.” But his estrangement may serve a different purpose, after all:

DEEK, DOMINIC AND ARWYN ARE ALL IN ON THIS TOGETHER! And my spending more time with him–especially in other locales–would risk exposing their little secret. As for my seeing Deek and pups sleeping on the sidewalk, once in a blue moon:

Being one of my chief bodhisattva guardians these days, he sets up moments now and then, for me to stumble upon him at night, crashed out. Thus making his character as a vagrant that much more convincing. (Besides which, considering his spiritual nature, he and the pups can GO anywhere, BE anywhere, even in the most dangerous neighborhoods, and STILL be perfectly safe.) And there is NO WAY I can uncover this dupe without his willing to do just that. He has me over a barrel…they all do (meaning Arwyn and Dominic as well), until said time the revelation is exposed. Will it happen very soon? I believe so. My conjecture as to just WHEN that will be, is definitely some time this year.

But my more specific predictions as to WHICH month or special day, have apparently been premature. Now, with LGBT Pride Month beginning, and the actual March at the very end (June 30th), followed immediately by my birthday (July 1st), I have grown hopeful once again. ESPECIALLY in light of so many good things cropping up in my world, lately. Including Deek finally LETTING UP on one insult or threat after another, every time I turn around. IOW: time has come to end his role as tough taskmaster, now that I have learned to brush off The Gnats Of Angst so promptly.

In fact, I have become so blasé about perceived worst-case scenarios that will NEVER happen, that the attached pic of Lucky’s yawn says it all. And if THAT doesn’t grab ya, then Flaco’s lovely visage WILL. After all, it was she who told me (on that evening before Halloween last, which I have documented for posterity in the very first chapter of my Brindlekin Tales) that everything will be alright, I shall never lose her or Lucky. Or even Deek for that matter.

Click here for a larger view.

Click here for a larger view.

Subject: Oh please.
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: June 3, 2021 4:16 PM

Just checked my Chronic webmail for the last time, and THIS shows up. Gimme a break.

——– Original Message ——–

Subject: Want A Free Year of Chronic Internet ?
Date: 2021-06-02 17:03
From: Chronic Crew <>
To: <>

Would you like to get a free year of Chronic Internet? Refer your company
to Chronic and if they switch to an Enterprise-level service, you’ll get a
free year at home.

–end message

Meanwhile, I just had UPS ship back my Chronic installation kit. Attached is the receipt. I should mount it on a wall, like hunters do with moose heads.

– Zeke K-Holmes

Click here for a larger view.

Subject: Perfect Centerfold Pic for a Gay Doggy Magazine!
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: June 4, 2021 12:46 AM

What a hunk o’ love!

Click here for a larger view.

Subject: Back on Amazon Prime!
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: June 4, 2021 9:52 PM

I needed a cell number to do anything with it, so now I have it. And Prime costs me just $6.50/month thanks to a low income…who can turn THAT down? Nice to have so many good movies and books FREE to enjoy! And items I now order will arrive in just one or two days. Chronic ISP was costing me $72/month (including landline). Here are my monthly expenses now:

For a total of $28.49 per month, not including surcharges and fees for my phone and ISP. So let’s just tack another $20 onto that, and the grand total comes to $48.49. Eventually, Xfinity will be ten dollars each month, once the EBB ends. So let’s compare the final tally of $58.48 with Chronic’s $72, and you see how much I come out ahead!

I can also use my SNAP benefits to shop Whole Foods…keeping my fingers crossed that I will be eligible for well over $16/month in food stamps this time around! My conclusion?


Now for my smartphone update. I have THREE Android phones total, one with actual cell service…and an Android tablet. All of which I have upgraded to include the Google voice assistant (which I have hitherto disabled). Two problems, though:

Despite my having registered my Moto E with Google, it still sends alerts to all the OTHER three devices, but not the Moto E! And, as of three days ago, when I speak “Hey Google” into my Moto, my tablet responds instead. Well, it’s barely five feet away from me, so what should I expect? But none of my phones respond, and they’re much closer! So now, in order to have some PRIVACY with my Moto, I have to sneak into the closet and whisper.

Just kidding. At any rate, ALL my Android devices are good to go for stepping out. All I’ll need is wifi access to make calls with any of them via Google Voice. I have NO intention of bringing my Moto outside (on any regular basis), thus the other two serve me well. But considering my meager social life, I doubt I’ll ever have any use for GV, though it IS fun tinkering around.

Come Monday, I’m off to my bank to have them shut down my second account, which is for my GoFundMe Homeless Doggy project. GFM has proven to be a headache-and-a-half, what with sporadic rejection of my latest password, and not being able to contact support unless I’m logged in (so I have to create a new account I’ll never use, just to get in touch with them)! Enough with that. I’ll still keep my Amazon Doggy Wish List running for awhile longer. Though no one’s contributed to either account for at least four months. And I seem to be handling all expenses on my own now, anyway. Except for doggy jackets, which Deek seems to be careless about, “losing” them within a few days every time I present him with a new pair.

Nonetheless, the outreach from the MCN announcement list was AMAZING while it lasted…and I’ll be forever grateful for that!

Deek and pups showed up for a short while…and it was all drama free! After delivering him the 20-pound speaker, a disposable Bic razor, an “advancement” of Sunday’s $60 (well it’s Friday, so not too soon), water for the pups, cup of diet root beer soda and two cigarettes for him, and a fresh supply of dog food, we chatted a bit. Nothing special, but he was in good humor, as were the mutts. Sad, though, to see Flaco gaze upon me with her sweet, forlorn expression as I walked back hovel without her. She loves me so much! Not that Lucky doesn’t as well, but Flaco really gushes with sincerity and gratitude. NEVER misses a beat in saying “thank you” to me in so many ways.

Deek did make a point of thanking me for all I do…and this time, without a hint of sarcasm. Every day has been wonderful for me, since I got my second covid shot…just what did they REALLY put in that vaccine? I love so much arising bright and early, around 7 AM, sometimes earlier, and stepping out to Rosenberg’s for my coffee…and the little exchanges between myself and the clerk. Trivial but profound at the same time.

It is the pups that have turned me into a morning person par excellence! And as a result, I actually start YAWNING around 10 PM or so, and I REALLY get groggy if I’m still up an hour later. So I climb into bed with my Bluetooth keyboard for a remote, and watch some spooky movie on my large peripheral monitor. Which device I found on the back porch some two years ago, discarded by a resident preparing to move out. It’s not a cheap display by any means, but a high quality gamer’s screen of rather hefty weight. It’s a magnificent monitor, and you can see pics of it, and a review, here:

I think it sold for more than $300 when it first came out, but you can buy used ones now for a hundred dollars or less. Be that as it may, it’s one of the best freebies I’ve stumbled upon in my entire life! The only other item that comes close is an Osterizer blender I found in a free box around seven years ago. Though it probably dates back to the ’80s, it was in sparkling new condition! Whoever so kindly left it out, obviously took VERY good care of it all that time. It serves me especially well these days, as it does a fine job of grinding down the duck jerky treats into a coarse powder, so I can mix it in with the kibble and gravy mix, that Flaco & Lucky enjoy their meals so much more.

I often think about the good woman who left that blender for me to pick up…and say “thank you” in my mind. And I KNOW it was a woman, not a man, who most likely kept it in such a pristine condition. Attached is a pic of it sitting atop my magnificent magnetic induction hot plate, that has cooked up so many delicious, savory and healthy soups, stews, omelets, and sautéd veggies!

Though most days I’m without the pups’ dear company, I sense their constant presence in my heart. Sometimes I turn to the cot and expect to see them there, in blissful rest…especially at night, when the shadows and lumpy pile of sleeping bags play with my perception. They could be hiding beneath the covers! But I FEEL them right beside me, always, as I sit before the workstation and compose my doggy tales. Sometimes I inadvertently extend my left arm to pet them, only to remember they’re not really here. Or are they? Love is powerful. Especially when it’s a puppy’s. Or two.

And on that note I bid you a most restful evening, my dear Wattson!

– Ezekiel Joseph Krahlin-Holmes,
consulting queer detective extraordinaire

P.S.: Jebus Freaks March into The Castro (11 secs):

Re: [MCN-Announce]- Jebus Freaks March into The Castro [my latest video – 11 secs.]
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: June 4, 2021 11:20 PM

> I guarantee they’re not all heterosexual.

I didn’t say they were!

They define themselves as such, regardless. Or, at worst, celibate fags for the Lord. Then there are all those confused bisexuals in the mix. And according to Kinsey, 80% of the population is born naturally bisexual.

> What they have in common is arrogance and stupidity.

Still coming from the heterosexist mindset, regardless. They are the brave, the proud, hetero-SETCH-uals who will strike us queers down with their Mighty Rod of Aaron. (Freudian slip intended.)

– Zeke K-Holmes

Subject: My first incoming phone call EVER!
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: June 5, 2021 12:25 PM

That was yesterday at 11:30 AM, and lasted for 10-1/2 minutes. Had NO idea who it was, but picked it up and answered anyway. It was someone from the Idrive support team, of all things. I’ve been having problems updating my account…first with changing my username (turns out you can’t, so I’m suck with using my email addie forever), my new email address, and my phone number. As regards those last two, that page insisted I create a new password to effect a change in anything else. This didn’t seem right to me, but I went ahead anyway.

As a result, I could no longer log into their web site, with EITHER password. So Idrive support went ahead and changed my email address for me…AFTER an email exchange with them, where a rep. said requiring a new password for any update on your account is an important security measure. NOT TRUE, as I recently discovered…and suspected all along.

But the same thing happened again a couple of weeks later (five days ago), when I attempted to replace my old phone number. So I opened another ticket, describing the same issue, and that I fear going through the glitch all over again, so decided to NOT update these digits until I hear from them. (Via email, as that’s all the communication I’ve ever had with them thus far.) I included the new number so we could skip a step, and they’d just key it in themselves. Long story short:

Turned out to be Firefox, as I could change my phone number without a hitch in Chrome…which is Idrive’s preferred browser anyway. Though Firefox should NOT have difficulties like this (he added), to which I replied: “It shouldn’t but it does.”

He spoke with clarity and affability throughout the call. My problem was quickly resolved, and I thanked him profusely for calling me in the first place. But considering it WAS all about a phone number update, that was a clever way to go about it. As it has REPLACED one’s Social Security number for all things identity-wise.

Friday night is when I have Idrive scheduled to back up all new data, and I woke up this morning to see that, once more, everything was perfectly duplicated to the cloud. I also use “continuous data protection” set on “hourly,” and that works great, too.

Remember when I had lost a magnificent passage I just wrote, due to Arwyn’s surprise interruption? That was back in 2013, at Pilsner Inn, a gay bar on Church Street. I had Idrive set to backup every few minutes, and the free version doesn’t keep staggered copies of previous uploads. By a slip of the keyboard, I wound up deleting and saving that now-blank passage, due to Arwyn’s sudden approach. Several minutes later I realized the error, and attempted to restore it from the cloud. But it had already been saved as an empty file there, too! A wonderful piece of writing…lost, lost, lost forever! But now that I have Idrive’s paid version, I set auto backup to once every hour, in order to spare me from such an accident ever again.

Very pleased with Idrive’s performance overall. It’s EXTREMELY robust and never misses a beat. However, their web based service is limited, and not at all parallel to what’s offered via the installed app. Stick with the app, and you’ll be fine. Otherwise, confusion will reign. I’ve been using their FREE service for years, before I finally upgraded to paid, once I signed up with, my first broadband ISP. And that was just a year-and-a-half ago. But because their UL was barely 1Mbps, backing up ALL my latest data could take 48 hours or longer! However, now that I have Xfinity, with a faster UL of 5Mbps, that same backup takes five hours or less.

My annual payment is due in a few days, but will cost me only $34.75, HALF the standard fee. They did this because i had turned off auto-pay, but they wanted to keep my business. I had to resume auto-pay in order to enjoy the bargain. But once paid, I will turn OFF auto-pay again, and hope for another good deal next time around. In any case:

Glad to have documented my first incoming call on my first cell service ever…though I’m sure it bored you out of your friggin’ mind, Wattson! As it most likely will ALL my avid readers, once they discover my tales and join me on my doggy revelations. Which fan base is still a future thing, though very nigh bud’s blossom.

– Zeke K-Holmes

Re: [MCN-Announce]- Jebus Freaks March into The Castro [my latest video – 11 secs.]
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: June 5, 2021 12:55 PM

> If that stat is accurate, then you and I are in a minority.

Exactly. Heterosexuals ARE a minority group every bit as much as LGBTs. The idea that straights are the vast majority is what I call THE BIG LIE.

> Not the only minority I (or you) belong to; an even tinier minority, for example, is that of the literate.

Yet there is POWER and WISDOM as a result of this double-minority status or being gay (or gay affirmative) and literate.

> Religion, especially when it bristles with rigid dogma, has always been the first refuge of scoundrels and hypocrites.

As is its stepchild, PATRIOTISM.

> The modern American fundie version of it loves to decry “big government,” even as they invoke the biggest Big Government of them all: Big God.

Ah, but there IS a “big god”…it’s called TRUTH, and shall smite them down with the Rod of Justice. (Freudian slip NOT intended, this time around.)

> The glee with which they threaten the rest of us with Big God tells the whole sorry story.

Their arrogance is BOUNDLESS. To invade gay neighborhoods with their bold presence–especially during LGBT Pride Month–is nothing less than monsters terrorizing the populace.

> When they say: “I’m praying for you,” that’s code for: “I get my rocks off picturing you writhing and sizzling on the griddle for all eternity.” They love authority and hierarchy.

Homophobia is THE most evil bigotry on the planet. Which is a manifestation of patriarchal dogma, and a close cousin to misogyny, white supremacy, and machismo. And always erupts into Nazism on a cyclical basis.

My friends Deek and Chuck are BOTH poisoned by this dogma, because too ill-informed…IOW, not literate. But NOT to the extreme where they are beyond salvaging, thanks to my influence.

– Zeke K-Holmes

Subject: Youtube Slammed Me Again!
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: June 6, 2021 2:03 AM

JUST as I was about to hit the sack, this window popped up on my Youtube challenge, claiming the video I uploaded this evening is in violation of their rules. Here’s what they said:

Before you appeal, please review your content to ensure that it abides by our Community Guidelines, in particular the section shown below. Provide supporting details in the box.

Spam, deceptive practices and scams

Content that contains spam, scams, or other deceptive practices that seek to exploit the community are not allowed on YouTube. This includes titles, thumbnails, or descriptions that promise users something in the video but actually direct them to another site.

How this affects your channel

Your channel now has 1 strike. You won’t be able to do things like upload, post, or live stream for 1 week. A second strike will prevent you from publishing content for 2 weeks. Three strikes in the same 90 day period will result in your channel being permanently removed from YouTube.

And here is my reply:

I have NO idea what you’re talking about. This video, along with all others in my “Brindlekin Tales” playlist are the narrated versions of my original stories on my WordPress blog. IOW they are audio version of my written tales, that people who are sight impaiied may enjoy them, too. I have well over 50 chapters of my trilogy (still a work in progress) converted into narrations and uploaded to my channel. Why, now, does this bother Youtube? You can see the “[narration’]” link for each of my chapters, here:.

This is neither spam, scam nor deception. Plenty of Youtubers narrate their own tales, or those of others. And I am no different…plus all my narrations are ORIGINAL, by yours truly.

You’d THINK if they didn’t like me linking my narration to the written version, they would’ve complained months ago! Wouldn’t you say, good doctor? They’ve banned me from being able to upload anything for a week. And I now have one strike against me. Two more to go, and I’m shut out of Youtube forever! Hopefully, they’ll take back that strike, now that I’ve appealed it. But I’m not that optimistic about the outcome. Thank God those videos are also all on my Google Drive, for public access. Until I come up with some viable alternative. Though Youtube is THE platform to get yourself out there.


A few minutes have passed since I wrote the previous paragraph and, guess what? Youtube automatically sent me a REJECTION of my appeal! How could this NOT be a bot? Here’s their reply:

We have reviewed your appeal for the following content:

Video: Book 3 Ch. 17j: The Final Chapter (part 10)

We reviewed your content carefully, and have confirmed that it violates our spam, deceptive practices and scams policy. We know this is probably disappointing news, but it’s our job to make sure that YouTube is a safe place for all.

It is POSSIBLE they were alarmed by my quoting from Chuck’s email where he said all sorts of horrific things, conspiracy-wise, and Youtube took it as my PROMOTING it, even though I sharply criticised his statements in that same chapter! Well, since they don’t say anything specific about my supposed violation, how can I know what has gotten their feathers in a fluff? I’ve gone through ALL their guidlines with a fine tooth comb several times, and came up with NOTHING that I have done to break even ONE of their rules. Same goes for their FIRST warning, which was my conversation with Felix at Rosenberg’s, about a month ago.

Ya know what? I’m just gonna eradicate my playlist of narrations. I can link my written tales to those narrations via Google Drive…run by the SAME COMPANY that owns Youtube! What a joke.

– Zeke K-Holmes

Subject: Re: [MCN-Announce]- Ruby Vinegar and Alvin Hock are bad news (anti-vax propaganda)
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: MCN announce list
Date: June 7, 2021 10:31 PM

On Mon, 07 Jun 2021 5:35 PM Harvey Winston posted:

> They cultivate their ignorance, using the most basic errors of scientific facts and statistics to formulate arguments that any eighth grader should be able to debunk.

I’d bump that estimate down a couple of notches and replace “eighth” with “sixth.”

> They lie, lie, lie, and they have blood on their hands.

Death devils, the lot of ’em.

> No, we will not provide a detailed rebuttal to the latest product of the anti-vax twaddle machine. No, we will not generate ad revenue for liars by clicking on their links. No, we are not impressed that this particular article uses numbers.

Careful, Harvey, you’ve just ruffled more than a few of their feathers. Let the clamorous clucking cacophony commence!

Covid isn’t real, and the vaccines are part of the government’s New World Order plan to kill half the population!
Dr. Fauci created a killer virus at the Wuhan lab!
But it’s fake, the real poison is in the vaccine!
The masks and social distancing was to establish greater mind control over the masses!
5G is what really caused the coronavirus, not some pangolin halfway around the world!
The Rothschilds are behind all this, and the Mossad!
Elvis and Bin Laden are still alive, somewhere on the Kamchatka Peninsula, snorting coke with Vladimir Putin’s pool boy!
Non-binary cosplay queers in drag run the Vatican!

Subject: Flaco REALLY wanted to visit me!
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: June 8, 2021 10:58 AM

This was three afternoons ago, when Deek dropped by to pick up his devices, and more doggy food. I had crouched down for several minutes to pet and hug the pups, while Deek was talking to another vagrant. But when it was time for him to depart, Flaco refused to budge, and struggled to free herself from her leash. The collar was at a slanted angle halfway across her head as she tugged and tugged and tugged. Deek yelled at her, as I gently slid the collar back, and encouraged her to go with Deek. It was, in short, just another rosary-bead heartbreak in a long string of them, going back to when she first came into my life.

I quickly returned to the front gate in order to diminish Flaco’s attention, then paused to watch the doggies prance away with their inconsiderate master, pushing his weighted cart across the intersection, leashes attached. They haven’t been back yet, and it looks like Deek’s new schedule is to only drop by once a week for his allowance and a fresh supply of kibble. Obviously, he perceives my appeal to have the pups visit more frequently, as a trick to take them from him, rather than my heartfelt regard for their safety, and protection from exposure to the chill, damp air.

Which fewer visits only serve to increase the danger of his losing them through growing ill and perishing from hypothermia. He NEVER gets them jackets any more! Not to mention the countless OTHER risks of forcing them to remain on the streets for long stretches of time, especially at night. I’ve never witnessed anyone so foolish as to constantly set himself up for failure and disappointment. While scapegoating ME for anything bad that happens to him or the pups…it’s always MY fault!

On our meetup previous to the last one, he suddenly blurted out how I shouldn’t let Lucky play-bite me, because the pooch recently attacked someone who then got in his face and threatened to report the incident…they don’t even have rabies tags. I doubt any of that happened, that Deek merely resents the pups’ loving enthusiasm towards me, so conjured yet another fake incident. As in: he’s ALWAYS fabricating this or that horrific tale to justify keeping the dogs away from me as long as possible. As well as to set me up for blame should anything awful REALLY occur.

I tried to explain to him that Lucky only play-bites with those he loves, and he’s so careful when he does, he couldn’t POSSIBLY rip anyone’s pants, as Deek claimed. Neither of the brindlekin play with strangers, or even acquaintances; instead, they shy away. I ALSO pointed out it is HIS responsibility to get those rabies tags…to which, surprisingly, he agreed as he wandered up towards Castro Street with the pups looking back at me until I disappeared behind the gate.

It’s like I’m stuck in an endless-loop nightmare; but my dedication to the dogs overrides even THAT. For the kindness and joy they bring me is immeasurable, and I gladly owe them the same kindness in return. Now, on another note, Wattson:

I was able to resume email contact with Chuck, via my Protonmail account, for he replied to my query, “If this email reached you, please reply!” So I updated him a bit on my latest adventures, and encouraged him to switch to a smartphone, using the Tracfone service. But I ended my message with how he needs to unravel himself from this pro-Trump conspiracy nonsense, it’s a bad path to go down.

But before completing and sending off the email, I decided to phone him once again. Just a quick catching up, stating there’s more in my email about to arrive…ending once again with a warning about his right-wing babble, that it just gets him hot headed, and it’s not about what’s REALLY going on in the world. I suspect he didn’t receive my original email mocking him over this, due to that Yahoo glitch (which seems to be ongoing).

We’ll see how he handles it, but I certainly can NOT maintain communication if he persists down that deplorable road. Pressuring me to side with such garbage ideology is NOT how I care to spend my time, even if it means losing the last long-term friend in my world. It’s just like I had never cut myself off from my brother, as Chuck is parroting the exact same mass insanity. I doubt he’ll abide by my wishes, as he’s become deeply embedded in this Trumpist Cult, probably because of his resumption with old high school buddies once he returned to Philly, after being gone more than three decades. Talk about peer pressure redux!

– Zeke K-Holmes

Subject: Noisy Hohokum Punks!
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: June 10, 2021 12:45 AM

Almost every single friggin night, Hohokum smoke shop workers hang out front with their friends and relations, disturbing the peace way into the night, sometimes as late as 3 AM! This has been going on for over a year, since they changed who runs it. The first several months after opening, everything was fine, they’d close at 10 PM, and were never a nuisance. But now it’s like living right above a club. They hang out for hours on the sidewalk, yapping away, boisterously screaming and acting out like they’re the coolest shit on the block. Just when the pandemic made our streets quiet, this started happening. They NEVER shut up, act like punks, and draw sketchy street people to their spot, because it’s the only shop open so late, and they sell tobacco, weed and paraphernalia for smoking OTHER drugs. Plus provide a distraction for their wandering the boring, dark streets. I suspect they’re relatives of Ablablah Realty, which owns my building and leases the shops below. So they think they’re SPECIAL. For whatever reason, the manager does nothing about it, so those of us living on this side of the building have our peace of mind and sleep disturbed just about every night. IT’S BEEN GOING ON FOR MONTHS!

Youtube has banned me from uploading any videos for a week, so here’s the backup link (1 min.):

Re: [MCN-Discussion]- If “she’s” setting an example on good mental health, I think I’ll pass
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN discussion list
Date: June 10, 11:17 PM

On 9 Jun 2021 14:46 Tanya NAZI FAN GIRL Merang squoinked:

> You’ve been remarkably insulting, abusive, nasty, rude, insulting, and mean spirited to me Zeke

Nonsense. I’ve been remarkably forthright in addressing your hypocrisy and nurturing a subscriber here for his Nazi proclivities. Must be the mother instinct, eh?

> Quite literally, you attack me,

No, I don’t attack you “quite literally,” I simply oppose your coddling a lunatic Nazi, via clacking away at the keyboard on my lap. Such hyperbole, Ms. Merang! One would suspect you have an ulterior motive, a hidden agenda, a dastardly scheme to unravel.

> because I won’t attack your enemies.

They are not just MY enemies, you deceptive Jezebel! Spike Kozlowski is a blatant Nazi, and ALL Nazis are enemies to the world.

> That is my one and only crime.

But the worst crime ever: befriending and enabling a Nazi. That ONE crime far exceeds a zillion LESSER crimes, for there is no crime GREATER.

> It seems you have only friend or foe, and no room to just let other people be.

Right, just let the flaming Nazis be, it’ll all blow over in time. I’m not stupid, I know exactly what you are doing.

> I’ve already told you on social issues, we agree more than disagree, and I’m the one who made the point our new ASH was an excellent choice.

Doesn’t matter how much we may agree on so many issues. For that ONE crime alone is so egregious as to totally WIPE OUT anything good you may stand for.

> Being in the IT field, I’ve worked my entire career with people in the LGBT Community

Irrelevant. Since LGBTs are like everyone else, in that they have their OWN right-wing cabals, including Nazi admirers. Just because you glom onto them, does NOT mean you are ipso facto a good person.

> they are over-represented because of their innate intelligence and creativity.

Obsequious flattery gets you nowhere with me, dear snake. Furthermore: MY own gay intelligence seems to elude your acknowledgment. Go figure.

> You do in fact owe me an apology, but I don’t ever expect to get it, so it’s no great loss. You’d have to admit you’re wrong, and you don’t seem to have that capacity.

I love how you toss in that guilt-trip trope, now and then. Hilarious.

> Not killing people you disagree with, is far different than getting cozy.

Well THAT’S a flakey thing to say! Whatever you’re smokin’, I don’t want any.

> Trying to find common humanity, that might inspire moving them, is infinitely more effective,

Not when it comes to Nazis…they are 100 percent bullies all the way. NOTHING can persuade them to change their ways, except being bullied BACK. For they’re cowards at heart, just give them a taste of the pain THEY inflict, and they’ll scream like stuck pigs. And you KNOW all that (that you can’t win over a Nazi through kindness)…you are obviously trying to weaken my resolve, because you are a saboteur who FAVORS right-wing trolls like Mr. Kozlowski.

Stop playing your “let’s be nice to the Nazi” Neville Chamberlain schtick…I see right through it.

> than trying to bludgeon people into submitting to your holy justice and vengeance.

More hyperbole in your juvenile attempts to weaken my resolve, this time by comparing my stance to inflated arrogance and even violence. Aren’t you the innocent little lamb! “Holy justice and vengeance,” my ass.

> All you do Zeke is polarize and make people hunker down even harder on their position.

Nope, don’t do that at all…and you know I don’t. I simply speak out against blatant lies by right-wingers who attempt to muddy the waters and sabotage the goals of decent people. You are his wing man, so to speak.

> All the while proving them right for hating you.

Wow! That was quite a leap from hyperbole into blatant falsehood. How impressive, Ms. Judas-Merang! If anyone hates me, it’s because I hold up a mirror to their ugly faces. Furthermore: hatred is NEVER justified…there is a better, more enlightened wat to deal with conflict. Mr. Kozlowski’s approach is ALWAYS to act with hatred, whereas mine is ALWAYS to act on the truth. Accusing ME of hatred is simply the act of scapegoating: blaming me for HIS sins. It’s totally ABSURD for such a foul-mouthed goat like Mr. Psychobitch to accuse me of raging with hatred, only because I stand up against the blathering lunatic.

> You think attacking me has made you look good, or just, or sympathetic? Or has it made you look like a bully, irrational, and ungrounded?

I’m not attacking you, Ms. Merang…never have, never will. I DON’T “attack” anyone. Opposing horrid words or ideas is not an attack, it is drawing the line by condemning such horrible remarks as Kozlowski makes with prolific frequency. Though I appreciate your manipulative application of the word “attack” to try to make ME look like the offender, instead of Psychobitch and his enabler (who is, of course, your dishonorable self).

> I won’t fight you Zeke,

That statement right there implies otherwise. You HAVE been fighting me all along, through deception and manipulation of your words.

> because I don’t hate you,

Yes you do. You’re a Nazi…just like your protege Kozlowski. You’ve found your comrade in this list! You do NOT lift so much as a finger, in outcry against even his most outrageous bigoty expressed so often. Including not standing up to him when he makes the most vile homophobic threats against me. It is not ME (or Alan) I’m suggesting you defend…it is LGBTs. You say you have so many queer amigos, yet you NEVER bother to denounce Mr. Psychobitch’s horrific anti-gay epithets.

> I just don’t like the way you treat people,

Oh, I already got that, loud and clear, Ms. Merang. But you absolutely LOVE a screeching Nazi, spewing one hateful comment after another, because, as you say, he’s so HONEST with who he is. Which, besides being pure BULLSHIT, is your modus operandi for right-wing infiltration. My honesty, however, appears to be a horse of a different color for you; now do not say “neigh” to that!

> I don’t like the way you yield your own moral high ground to stoop exactly as low as the people you despise. You want to be the better man… act like the better man.

Really, now, how much more hyperbole can we actually take without it being dumped like the fecal plops of a million elephants? Just asking for a friend. His name is Dumbo.

> I ask you earnestly Zeke, you talk about keeping ahead, if you’re keeping ahead of the Nazi, in what direction are you marching, and why?

Any direction that’s opposite yours. Thanks for the emotionally charged BS you flung my way…it’s been fun deflecting, like Wonder Woman and her magic bracelets. Woo-hoo!

Re: [MCN-Discussion]- If “she’s” setting an example on good mental health, I think I’ll pass
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
To: MCN discussion list
Date: June 11, 1:04 AM

On Wed, 9 Jun 2021 16:54 Terry Sachs squoinked:

> That’s all he’s ever been to almost everyone: mean, nasty, rude, and insulting.

Could you be any stupider, Mr. Sucks? Remember, YOU are the one who went ballistic over someone’s accusation that I earn money for my posts, the more posts, the more money. Then there’s your “zEEK’s puppy grift” nonsense. You should be on some strong medication, is the best advice I can give. You certainly excel at making a fool of yourself, I’ll give you that. I’m amazed that you even have the chutzpah to show your face on the announcement list any more! Or in public, for that matter.


That’s Ms. Merang for ya: “The Compassionate Nazi Enabler!” Perfect title for a Fox sitcom.

> He will continue to refer to you as a nazi and claim you are homophopic.

There’s a lot of that going on in these MCN lists, I can tell ya that. All it took was for just one, lone gay person to join a list, and try to discuss an LGBT issue now and then, to watch the hetsupremacist fur fly! Truly a sight to behold. And ya know, had the MCN list went on withOUT my presence, you’d have no idea how many queer bashers there really are on that list…and by extension, Mendocino County itself.

Not my fault, though. Of course, Nazis love to scapegoat, which is exactly what YOU are doing. So if ya don’t wanna be CALLED a Nazi, Mr. Sucks, then stop ACTING like a Nazi. You’re like the little skinny runt down the block who gloms onto a the neighborhood bully, in hopes HE can play the bully himself, now and then. But things never end well for those types. The REAL bully gets sick of him, a bit later on down the line. So enjoy your fun while it lasts, you clueless yutz.

> It’s his favorite insult.

Oh come, come, Mr. Sucks. I don’t HAVE a “favorite insult,” but I CAN tell you this: homophobia seems to be a FAVORITE bigotry on this list! Not my fault that no one on this list (or that other one) has ever possessed the ovaries to speak out against anti-gay remarks. Then yours truly came along to crash your Nazi party, ruining the freedom they once had to keep gays suppressed and invisible…and terrorized!

And no, I DON’T call everyone a homophobe and a Nazi on this list…just the several who fit that profile to a T. Which of course includes you, Mr. Sucks, for being that skinny twerp who cozies up to the handful of Nazi bullies on this list, including their demonic leader, Spike Kozlowski…so YOU could fuck around with that gay lister, too. Which leader now appears to have a virtual female consort to do his bidding, who is also, sadly, Asian. Now I’m wondering: how much blood price did THAT cost him? Just asking for a friend. His name is Mephistopheles.

P.S.: I’m crossposting this message to the announcement list, since they seem to know you better over there, and get a good laugh over your latest fumbling with a hidden wicked plot to hatch. For it always backfires, like a Charlie Chaplin film where he plays the hapless hobo. That’s you, Mr. Sucks: “the hapless hobo;” a metaphor that defines your soul perfectly!

Subject: Just a few hugs, then they’re gone again!
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: June 11, 2021 5:17 PM

Using my video backup source again, as it’ll be four more days before Youtube allows me to resume uploading. Looks like such false, draconic accusations by them are the result of a poorly programmed bot. Been happening to a LOT of vloggers recently. However, I think there may be some right-wing mischief baked into it.

Click here to watch the video.


Deek showed up for a short while this afternoon, to pick up more kibble and canned stew, and collect his weeky allowance. No mention whatsoever of having them stay overnight any time soon. Well, I already knew the moment he requested a fresh supply of dog food, that he had no plans for them to stay over. So I gave the pups some hugs and kisses, and the next thing you know: they were gone again! Seven days since I last saw them, and THAT was just a few brief moments, too. I used my camera pen to record this latest meetup, but as you can see, it’s sorely lacking in being able to capture the subjects by keeping the pen in my shirt pocket. The glasses are much better because I can intuitively aim the lens where I want (without being suspected of shooting a video), but a lens popped out of it, so not very discreet as a result…just draws attention as to exactly WHY I’m wearing them broken. But on a good note: Deek looks cleaner, healthy and stable these days…and no childish drama on his part. A VERY good sign, as that implies his jealousy and resentment of the fondness between the pups and myself should soon clear up, along with his bipolar mood swings. The shopping cart was also tidy!

Re: Just a few hugs, then they’re gone again!
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: June 12, 2021 12:14 PM

> Well, I’m glad everybody looked good, but it’s still worrisome to me.

When has my relationship with Deek NOT been worrisome? As I’ve concluded per my Bodhisatta Premise some months back:

Worry is not the right path. Faith is. Though I CAN conjecture as many worst case scenarios as I choose, they will only serve to obstruct my enjoyment of each day. All shall turn out just fine, no matter what.

Don’t know if you saw the video, Wattson, but in it I told Deek he and the pups are always in my prayers, though it’s not based on worry, ’cause that’s just obsessing over bad outcomes. Which does no one ANY favor.

I figured speaking those kind words is an important step towards unraveling his jealousy and resentment that come of immature thinking. As well as finally concluding on his own, that the dogs DO need a warm, safe haven on a frequent basis…withOUT making this a battle with his inner demons. Furthermore:

Prayer is learning to RELAX in faith, rather than be a bundle of angst. Because that’s what TRUST in a higher force is all about. At least, when it comes to your OWN well-being. Because, since you ALREADY have a strong desire for things to go well and, assuming your intent is a worthy one, you HAVE been heard, thus a positive outcome is inevitable. The rest of it is just learning how to use your mind better, for your OWN sanity: what the Buddha calls “right thinking.” To be clear:

The outcome of your prayer is NOT dependent on whether or not you have the right thoughts; it is, instead, based SOLELY on sincerity and worthiness. For example: praying for a new car so you can show it off to your neighbors is trivial, while praying for the well-being of another is immensely just, no matter HOW much of a bundle of nerves you might be. This is in opposition to all the illusions hurled at you over the years, of tragic endings in spite of worthy prayers by others. And by “prayer” I mean nothing more than intent in both thought and action. For without ACTING upon your wish, your good thoughts will come to naught. SOME level of sacrifice is necessary.

So in a very real sense, this situation with the doggies is a learning lesson for me, which is how to eradicate–as best I can–even the tiniest, final twitch of anxiety BEFORE the happy results manifest. For example:

This morning as I strolled back hovel with coffee in hand, I fantasized him losing the pups through death by overexposure to dampness and cold. And as a result, cut him out of my life for good, seeing as he’d wind up adopting aNOTHER doggy or two, and the same, awful thing would happen. And I just CAN’T go through that again, I’ve lost ALL respect for him, and REFUSE to remain beside him on this roller coaster ride of bipolar/meth madness ever again. I called him a “dog killer,” for that is what he is. Then, in my mind’s eye, he screamed at me, claiming it’s MY fault, dumping all his wrongs upon this bedraggled old pilgrim.

Now THAT fantasy right there is an obsession over a worst case scenario. Which right-thinking requires flushing from one’s mind, instead of latching on. Of course, this lesson applies to ALL crises, not just to a particular situation with two doggies and their homeless master. These dark scenarios that well up in one’s thoughts ARE necessary evils, to WARN of potential danger. But allowing them to take over your waking hours is the WRONG approach, because harmful to your own state of mind.

Thus–once again according to my Bodhisattva Premise–this makes Deek a bodhisattva himself, that is: my teacher. And the lesson IS to improve upon right-thinking. Many temptations to grow angry at him are hurled at my feet…they are challenges to overcome, and certainly NOT to cave in to. He therefore MUST play the monster now and then, in order for the lesson to progress towards completion. My conclusion in a nutshell?

Long-suffering, patience and compassion are key.

The improvement of his appearance and behavior, along with spiffing up his shopping cart and no longer dumping trash everywhere, are PROOF of the good results manifesting at last. I have given him ALL the criticism needed to set him on the right path, so should do no more of that, but say everything positive to further him along. Speaking of behavior:

When I handed him his allowance, he saw that, instead of three Jacksons, they were two, plus a Hamilton. Instead of squawking, he simply said: “Fitty dollar? Okay.”

In that video, you’ll hear me immediately apologize…then run back upstairs with the bill, to return with the proper sum. Overall, the 5-minute clip shows my considerate regard towards him, in spite of all the nastiness he’s flung at me over many months. Furthermore, his new habit of always asking for an “advancement” on his allowance is not occurring in shorter intervals (which would be squeezing an extra $60 out of me each month), but has settled on Friday, rather than my original decree of every Sunday. So it’s not really an advancement at all, but a shift to another day of the week. As if, as my teacher, he is fully conscious of this change, but is testing my temper.

This “right thinking” approach strikes me as simple common sense, and is part of the Buddha’s teaching on how to live as good a life as possible. And has NOTHING to do with whether or not you believe in God, or a higher force (as some prefer to say, including yours truly). It is thus a CRIME when religions claim a monopoly on this sane strategy, and often come to blows with OTHER belief systems that teach the VERY SAME THING! Equally shameful are new-age fads such as “The Secret,” who treat this approach as if it were something totally novel, and they are the only TRUE source of enlightened wisdom. When their REAL motive is to cash in on a specious premise.

In my own Brindlekin Tales, I make it very clear that my revelations are NOT novel in any way, but are personal documentation of how I apply them in my own life: a modern spin on sage advice that has resonated through the ages of humanity. Like the sweet tones of a monastery bell, a temple gong, or even the thocks of a hollow log from the deep time of prehistory. In my case:

Using the loving inspiration of two, marvelous doggies for my springboard. Curly-tail, brindlekin joy! Let the Chimes of Puppy Love ring through every city, town, village and burg!

– Zeke K-Holmes

Less Hair Gel, More Puppy Love, Please!

April 21, 2021

[BRINDLEKIN TALES – Book 4: Chapter 4]

Re: [MCN-Announce]- A Conversation with Felix
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: Lisa Harwood
Date: April 13, 2021 3:42 PM

> Zeke: This video was removed by Youtube before I had a chance to see it.

You can now view it here.

> (Been away from my computer for a few days. Couple of the days burning brush at my partner’s place.) Did Youtube give you a reason for removing the video? Did it happen immediately, or was it complaint driven?

The answer you’ll find in my next chapter, which release I’m about to post. Thanks immensely for reading my tales…you’re WAY ahead of the curve, Lisa! But later this year, so many will be reading them, that WordPress will probably crash more than once. :D

– Zeke

P.S.: You can also watch “My 2nd Conversation with Felix” here.

It was an excellent conversation, mostly about San Franshitsco’s screwed-up COVID-19 vaccination rollout that neglects many of our low income, elderly and homeless denizens…including yours truly. One VERY interesting remark Felix made, was that when he went to get his first shot (at Zuckerberg SF General Hospital), he along with everyone else awaiting their turn were all PACKED INTO ONE ROOM! So I guess they had them over a barrel. They could either refuse to take the risk of close proximity, breathing the same air, and walk out…or spend an hour or longer mingling their breaths during that time, in order to finally get that vaccine! A Faustian bargain indeed. Now documented on video (8 minutes):

Click here to watch the video.

Re: Some Quick Updates
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 14, 2021 10:28 AM

> Great pic of Deek!

Yes, it’s PERFECT! Cigarette dangling from the lips, gold medallion raised forward, his scruffy streetwise appearance. The touch of a humorous aura in the whole image…as if he’s aware of his own bodhisattva nature, and the joy that comes with it. I suspect he DOES know I’m filming all this, so made a point of featuring the Buddha/dragon icons. Catching Lucky fluffing up the white blanket with such joie de vivre is also priceless. I suspect even the PUPS know they’re on camera. I especially enjoyed Deek’s describing the Buddha as riding atop the dragon. How could anyone at this point write him off as just a common vagrant?

And THAT was his kind way of letting me know everything’s fine with the mutts, and always will be…along with MY life, his, and everyone else’s. How much more elegant than bluntly hitting me over the head with confirmation!

– Zeke K-Holmes

Subject: Yet ANOTHER worker not wearing a mask!
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 14, 2021 11:23 AM

Seems brazen about it too…like he’s daring me to report him! Fucked up situation, manager doesn’t give a flying fig about it, either. One thing GOOD I can say about all this: those spyglasses sure have paid off big time! I forgot to mention they gave me a $30 reimbursement for posting a review on Amazon, in the form of a gift card! They recently asked if I’d like to review their newest product (a pen with built-in, voice-activated audio recording), so I said “sure!” In exchange for my purchasing it outright ($24), they’ll reimburse the FULL amount, once I post a review. SPY vs. SPY all the way!

– Zeke K-Holmes

Re: Yet ANOTHER worker not wearing a mask!
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 14, 2021 1:09 PM

> Cheeky bastard!

More like “nasty punk!” I’m gonna see if I can report this to the company they work for, “Astro Elevator.” I just found out they have a Facebook page, so I messaged them:

Some of your workers at my building, 9666 Market St., SF, are not wearing masks inside the building. This is very alarming, at least one resident has already caught covid, and another one has died.

The message included two links to a pic of two different workers CLEARLY not wearing a mask. I also POSTED that same message on their wall. They’re also on Twitter, so I tweeted the same complaint there. AND they have an email address, so I took care of that, too. What really gets me is:

EVERYONE I’ve complained about knows exactly where I live, and has easy access into my building. I’M A SITTING DUCK. So now, I have the elevator workers on top of the building manager, Myrtle and Adisa (and his punk friends), and Ablahblah Realty! AND I DON’T HAVE A FUKKIN LAWYER! Yet.

Subject: It’s Like Magic! [my latest video – 24 secs.]
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: Announce MCN, Discussion MCN
Date: April 15, 2021 9:19 AM

Just like that…BAM!…overnight the elevator crew is all masked up like a boss! I wonder what did it: my complaint to the elevator company’s Facebook wall, their Twitter feed, or to Ablahblah Realty? (Their email address, OTOH, was not valid.) A little birdie told me, “Tweet!” All I know is: it’s GOOD to save lives, and one should never shirk from speaking out, no matter how dark the threat against you appears (in your mind or otherwise). This I learned straight from the Tibetan Book of the Dead, years ago (and I paraphrase):

“In the second stage of death you will be threatened by demons in many horrific ways, but if you do NOT cave in to fear and CALMLY stand your ground, you shall pass through to a higher realm.”

I simply concluded that our present life is ALSO just one of those realms, or levels, of being. Thus, having the courage to always do what’s right, you shall likewise pass to a better reality, IN THIS LIFE. And THAT, my friend, is the secret to this Book of the Dead: the lessons therein taught about dying well, apply equally to LIVING well! Speaking of “levels,” don’t you think the elevator is a perfectly DIVINE metaphor?

Subject: Success with the Elevator Workers
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 14, 2021 10:28 AM

It appears that my complaint to the elevator company had the impact needed to stop endangering residents of my building, as this video shows (read the description that goes with it), 27 seconds.

However, regarding Deek, last night’s meetup was less than sterling (4 minutes):

Though I MUST acknowledge that there is a vast improvement overall, with his attitude and behavior. I can’t expect him to change overnight, good physician! As the saying goes: “Three steps forward, one step backward.” Nor can I brush off the likelihood of this latest encounter being nothing more than another bodhisattva challenge…and thus, he knows EXACTLY what he’s doing, to make further progress on my OWN soul’s evolution. “Fine tuning” as it were. For the FIRST conclusion imposes more EGO on my part, than the second…and I mean “ego” in the negative aspect.

[an hour pause]

Well, I had to step out for another visit with Deek, after that last paragraph. Very sad seeing him more concerned with gelling up his hair, than with the pups, who only had the concrete sidewalk to rest upon. Deek said they were cold last night; I asked him why, since it’s easy to find a cardboard box for them to sleep in, and add some old jacket or other clothing for cushioning and warmth…he used to do that all the time. I confronted him further re. animal abuse. He opposed me of course, claiming he’s raised dogs before and even won awards. Which I do NOT believe, and said his poor treatment belies all that. At any rate, you will hear our conversation, and more, in a video I am preparing for upload a couple of hours from now. It’s a long one, about 26 minutes…so broken down into three parts. Now, allow me to end this missive on a good note, Wattson:

In the video, you’ll observe that my confronting him on this issue does NOT result in a belligerent shouting-down, which was his customary behavior till recently. This is a hopeful sign that he’s listening better, and WILL improve his regard for the doggies. Less hair gel, more puppy love.

– Zeke K-Holmes

Re: Success with the Elevator Workers
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 14, 2021 1:15 PM

> So poignant to see the pups gazing at you, hoping they’ll be going with you.

The heartbreak is a crushing cross to bear. I may have to witness them growing weathered and ill, right before my eyes, unto their death. It is a VERY slow torment.

Subject: Less Hair Gel, More Puppy Love, Please! [my latest video – 26 minutes]
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: Zekes Mailing List
Date: April 14, 2021 5:30 PM

Sad state of affairs, to see how poorly Deek cares for his sweet doggies, Flaco & Lucky. He seems to care more about gelling his hair, than showing more kindness to the pups. I confronted him on this, citing animal abuse, which he opposed with shamefully childish excuses. My hope, of course, is that I’m being tested, and this little scenario is a ruse. The bodhisattva challenge here is: do I speak out, or do I remain silent for fear of him removing the dogs entirely from my world? I believe I took the right action, by confronting him in a non-hostile, patient manner. This is in three parts, totaling 26 minutes.

Part 1 (11 mins.):

Click here to watch the video.

Part 2 (8 mins.):

Click here to watch the video.

Part 3 (8 mins.):

Click here to watch the video.

Subject: Going Digital
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 14, 2021 6:14 PM

Don’t know why this hadn’t occurred to me months ago, but it’s EASY to narrate my tales via digital voice. Here, I was thinking I’ll need to read them all myself, and there are so many, now! So I guess your local radio host and friend, Marshall, is replaceable for my needs. Chapter 2a of book 1 will be uploaded tonight. (It’s “2a” BTW, because that’s where I inserted the Julia Vinograd piece, so the original chapter 2 is now 2b.) I have to make SOME changes in the text files, but not much work is involved. Putting a period at the end of each line in the email header prevents the app from running all four lines together. The abbreviated “is” as in “he’s” and “she’s” is a choppy result, but does little to break the flow. Same goes for other apostrophized words such as “don’t” and “I’ll.” Though, after listening to my first digitized tale, the reading sounds BETTER than “good enough;” in fact, it’s pretty damn decent. Using a female voice, BTW.

From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 16, 2021 5:11 PM

What a load of crap…they give nothing specific, so I can figure out what’s going on. My hunch is that someonw owns an image I’ve uploaded to my WordPress site, and instead of contacting me directly, they’re being a dick about it by taking their complaint directly to my ISP. This happened once before: I had uploaded a photo of a canister of pepper spray, w/o even showing the product label…and the person who took that pic complained to my web host service, instead of posting directly to me. Even worse: he or she claimed since I’ve done it to him or her, I’m probably doing it to others! But the point is:

If someone demands I remove it, I will, promptly. However, copyright law is gray in this area, in that, if your work is public domain (and/or you’re not monetizing it), there is no law that says you’re not allowed to use just anyone’s image.

But how can I know which image that is, if I’m not given even a shred of information about this supposed “abuse?” So I posted back, saying I have no idea what they’re talking about, please be more specific.

——– Original Message ——–

Date: 2021-04-16 18:42

Dear Chronic Subscriber:

Chronic has received a notice from a copyright owner, or its authorized agent, that your internet account may have been involved in the exchange of unauthorized copies of copyrighted material.

Use of any services provided by Chronic to transfer copyrighted material is prohibited and repeated infringement may result in termination of your Chronic account. Complete details on Chronic DMCA policies can be found at

If you believe this notice has been sent in error, please disregard this message. Otherwise, please discontinue any further infringing activity.

Subject: My Spyglasses Disappeared…Just Like That!
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 17, 2021 11:03 AM

I needed a phillips-head screwdriver to replace a lead-acid battery in Deek’s heavy speaker, so donned my spyglasses and strolled to Cliff’s Variety on Castro Street. While waiting in a short line, I lowered the glasses to my chest, where they hanged by a lanyard. I found the screwdriver, just $3.99, purchased it and, just before exiting, realized the glasses were no longer on me!

So I returned to the area I had walked around, searched for them everywhere…NOTHING! A store clerk helped me look, but still not found. How could this have happened? I would’ve heard them make SOME kind of clatter if they fell to the floor. I am totally flummoxed; it’s as if they simply vanished into thin air. And that lanyard has never been less than reliable for the several weeks I’ve used it. I left my phone number with the store, in case they find them. So:

My cheap purchase turned out to cost me over $40! I just ordered another pair ($70), but the price was only $35, thanks to an Amazon gift card. Plus, I will receive a reimbursement for the recording pen, once I post a review. That’s another $24 bonus. However, I COULD have spent that lost money on the pups, dammit. At least the battery works for the speaker, perfect fit. And it looks like it’s already fully charged, so no waiting a day or longer for powering it up. Turns out that one of the two connectors for the smaller, old battery had loosened its way off. One of his “tech” buddies had added two flat pieces of plywood to keep the battery from jiggling, but I guess that wasn’t enough.

FIVE DAYS WITHOUT SPYGLASSES, THIS IS HELL! During that time, I’ll be kicking myself for every great moment I miss, that I would’ve loved to record…especially the Deek moments. And the pups, of course. Maybe I’ll use my smartphone, by stuffing some tissue paper into a shirt pocket, so the part with the camera lens will poke out. That seems workable. Just don’t know how the audio will come out…I’m gonna test it right now.

– Zeke K-Holmes

Re: My Spyglasses Disappeared…Just Like That!
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 17, 2021 11:42 AM

> Infuriating!!!

GOOD NEWS, WATTSON: they have been found. Listen to the voicemail, which arrived just ten minutes after I returned hovel.

I went back to pick them up, and thanked him personally. Another clerk (a lovely young black woman who handed me the spyglasses) was also there, as they listened to my spiel:

“Well here is an interesting thing about having found them in the doggy treat section, especially since I didn’t even go NEAR that area: both my Youtube channel and WordPress blog are dedicated to my helping two homeless dogs! So there’s a touch of magic in all this.”

I then placed the glasses back on, hanging from my neck by the lanyard, and exclaimed:

“See? I don’t see how they could’ve just fallen off without my noticing.”

They both agreed that this incident was indeed bizarre. Before departing, I handed Chuck my Brindlekin business card, and declared:

“It even says ‘True tales from the Castro, eat your heart out, Armistead!”

They both got a good chuckle out of that. Thus, I departed with great joy in my heart, and, much to my added delight, triumphant music accompanied me, blasting out of a converted bus on Castro Street. (Not MY kind of music, per se, but it did put a lift in my stride.) That was the first thing I caught on film after the surprise return of those glasses that have already done so many wonderful things for me.

Click here to watch the video.

From: Zeke Krahlin
To: Chronic Abuse
Date: April 18, 2021 3:47 PM

That’s absurd. I am neither distributing nor reproducing ANY copyrighted material. I ALSO resent your subject title including the word “ABUSE” in it, as if I’m a criminal, based on erroneous and clearly unfounded “evidence.” The nature of your email is INTIMIDATING, and just like the draconic behavior of the monopoly ISPs. If you wanna talk “ABUSE” just look in the mirror. Not only would it behoove you to send queries over possible copyright issues in a RESPECTFUL manner, it ALSO behooves you to inform the customer the first time around, exactly WHAT the complaint is about. In sum:

Your post to me is OFFENSIVE and ABUSIVE. You may as well be Comcast or AT&T with such thoughtless behavior.


Re: [MCN-Announce]- Believing in God
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: Announce MCN
Date: April 18, 2021 4:15 PM

On Sat, 18 Apr 2021 at 10:17 AM, Kind Warlock posted:

> My dog is a cognitive being. I have many stories to share about our sacred relationship.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that “dog” spelled backwards is “god.” Especially if you define god as love. No doubt you are by now long aware of my Brindlekin Tales, because I announce each new chapter and video around them, on this list. But I’d like to emphasize here, that they are all about how two, sweet homeless pups have turned my life around, given me so much inspiration and brought me to a higher plane of self realization, I am now gushing with creative force as a result…so much so, that Brindlekin Tales has become a trilogy, and I’m almost done with book 3! It is free to read online, and always will be. It’s also a multimedia experience…which you CAN’T achieve in a standard, paper publication! There is MUCH heartbreak, MUCH joy, and one cliffhanger after another. All true tales, for the most part. I also have a Brindlekin Tales Youtube channel to complement my written sagas.

Have a peaceful, serene night, Kind Warlock…and give your doggy a hug for me, please.

– Ezekiel

PS: if you’d like to have one or two of your own dog stories in my book, I’d love to do that for you! I cannot pay you for them; my works are all public domain, not monetized in any way. For they are my life’s labors of love, given freely from the heart.

Subject: A Pleasant Night, NOT
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 19, 2021 1:53 PM

Last night’s visit with Deek and pups was calm…nonetheless a tragedy in the making, for obvious canine reasons. Lucky was stashed in the shopping cart, surrounded by junk (no padding for comfort), Flaco was on the sidewalk and tethered to the cart. Just more heartbreak, seeing how joyfully they greet me, hoping each time I see them I’ll take them hovel. It’s a longish video this time, 16.5 minutes, so get around to it whenever. The audio doesn’t sync properly after awhile (starting where I’ve appended the first of two clips), but does not interfere with the overall message conveyed, and its impact. I use a freeware video joiner, which leaves a bit to be desired, but serves its purpose. Now I’ll have to add just one more layer of work to my video editing: figuring out how to correct the audio sync AFTER the smaller recordings have been strung together. Here’s the video, which I’ve semi-sardonically titled “A Pleasant Night:”

As for my ongoing concern over the doggies, I reminded Deek several days back, that so much constant exposure to the cold and damp climate will make them come down with arthritis…even though they seem fine, right now. It will slowly sink into their bones till the day comes when they’ll be in chronic pain all the time, and you’ll have to put them down, or they’ll die after months of agony. But as far as Deek is concerned: in one ear and out the other! If they appear okay now, why worry?

A couple nights ago he had a tarp slung over him, with the pooches huddled beneath and curled up for warmth. Happy to see me (as usual) they nonetheless remained in their skimpy shelter, sticking their cute faces out in kind greets. Yet he had the nerve to say: “See? I take good care of them.” But he STILL forced them to lie down directly upon the sidewalk…not even a sheet of cardboard for a bit of softness and warmth. And it’s so EASY to pick up a clean sheet ANYwhere in the city, for free! In fact, there are always some every night, folded up against the trash bins in front of my building.

I suspect he’s scheming to squeeze more moolah out of me, by keeping the pups from visiting, until I finally break down and beg him. Hoping, of course, I’ll persuade him with cold cash. This is NOT gonna happen, and it’s sad because he’s using Flaco & Lucky as leverage to get his way with me. So I have absolutely NO choice but to remain silent about them staying with me again, and god only knows HOW long it will take before he just presents them to me once again! Meanwhile, the pooches suffer from the cold, in their own, polite way, never a whimper of complaint. But you should SEE how they scramble for a warm spot every chance they get! While I was visiting with them last night, they eagerly dug a hole in that corner garden, to curl up in! There is warmth in the lower soil, and their sub-level placement averts any breeze that may whip up.

How many times must I plead with Deek to do the right thing, good physician: take better care of them outside, and allow them to stay with me at LEAST one night a week? It puts fear in my heart whenever I confront him about this–which I MUST do now and then, or my conscience would KILL me–for this just makes him dig in his heels and resist, and will possibly drive him away for good! He has an immature mind, and because of this I fear his jealousy of their love for me is a burning resentment. Which winds up hurting the pups! He may ALSO have a sadistic streak, that gets off on treating the mutts poorly. Gives him a sense of POWER. Now onto another topic, though just as pertinent:

Yesterday afternoon when I exited my hovel to discard some trash, I heard two young residents gabbing away as they descended the stairs to my floor. As is my wont these days, I immediately hid within the alcove that is right outside my door, and perpendicular to the smaller hallway leading to the main corridor. I do this because I don’t care to have encounters with tacky, wealthy queers brimming with superficial nonsense and wan, fake smiles. They never talk about anything of substance! Anyway, here is how their conversation went:

A lot of occupants have moved out for better deals, to the point where more than a third of the apartments are now empty…maybe as much as half! Ablahblah Realty refuses to lower the rent, no matter what. Several residents have already proposed just that, but all were turned down. One of the two remarked how he’s been here a long time, so his monthly payment is $700 (thanks to rent control) for the studio units that now go for $2,300! They joked about how he might request a 1-bedroom for the same price he’s now paying.

You know, Wattson, I’ve never paid a moment’s notice over why this building has become so silent…writing it off, of course, to the pandemic’s mandate to isolate oneself. Considering how long I’ve occupied this dank mansion, I am become a ghost long before my own death: a mere shell of a tenant, roaming the hallways and eavesdropping on the living! All I need is a bed sheet flung upon my person, and a length of iron chain to clank about, to complete this picture! Surely:

When one resides at 9666 Market Street (or as I like to call it: “Hotel California North”), every day is Halloween!

– Ezekiel Joseph Krahlin-Holmes
Friendly Ghost Detective Agency at your service!

Re: A Pleasant Night, NOT
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 19, 2021 4:12 PM

> That’s exactly it. he can lord it over the dogs, punishing them for his own raw-deal life. Sadly, people tend to look for somebody lower on the totem pole than themselves to take it out on. A dog is perfect; it can’t speak, it loves you no matter what you do to it. Horrible, tragic.

Fortunately, his mistreatment is relatively mild, compared to those who outright abuse their dogs. Though in such a case, I could EASILY have them removed by calling the animal abuse hotline. Whereas in THIS situation, it is all borderline, thus impossible to rescue the pups from his clutches. Still, I take the bodhisattva spin on it, and conclude not is all as bad as it may seem, and I really shouldn’t suffer such angst.

> Now THAT’S vivid!! And chilling!!

I am nonetheless in better company with my chains and bed sheet, than I am with the living. Nor do I believe this is my fate, but just a passing phase into a MUCH happier existence. We’re not talking DEATH here, either…we’re talking about a gobsmacking, MAJOR shift in reality. Gotta shake those chains to make it come true! Boo-oooo-ooo!

– Zeke K-Holmes

Re: [MCN-Announce]- Vartan Gregorian
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: Announce MCN
Date: April 19, 2021 6:21 PM

On Sun, 18 Apr 2021 12:14:20 -0700 (PDT) Ron Sack-o-pits posted:

> We are not just some data points in a data mining program. We are not just consumers to be manipulated by algorithms, squeezed dry of our disposable income, and bade farewell as we shuffle off to the grave.

We are also not just some writers of hackneyed poems drooling with absurdly obsequious, obnoxious and oppressive christian psychobabble about some fictional character named Jebus. Unfortunately (for the rest of us) you DO fit into that shameful category, cursing everyone on this list with your malodorous plops of fecal versification.

Subject: SF Public Transit Continues to Crumble
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 20, 2021 2:52 PM

You will remember my gripes about MUNI’s lousy track record, including their most recent failure to get the Metro underground up and running late last year. Today’s SF Examiner article affirms my gripe. While MUNI claims they are prepared to do better, that is what they’ve ALWAYS said for decades:

SFMTA’s poor track record on capital projects risks losing ‘public trust’

And as if that weren’t enough to rub shit in your face, an advertisement appeared above the article, offering sales of silver and gold coins with Trump’s image on them! See attached image.

Click here to view a larger image.

To: Chronic Abuse
From: Zeke Krahlin
Date: April 20, 2021 9:48 PM

Thank you! Needlessly causing anxiety to customers is not the way to go. There are probably more FAKE charges than real ones, in attempts by upstart companies or agents to scare money out of people who don’t understand their rights. Years ago, I think in 1998, I had to deal with a false charge of copyright infringement on a parody section of my web site. I contacted the EFF, and they stopped them in their tracks.

I have also had false accusations made against me, just to try to shut me down…because I’m a gay activist, and speak out on behalf of LGBT rights on many online venues. They were successful sometimes, in getting me bounced off a forum here and there…even got a website I ran shut down. I’ve also had other hackers take over my OWN white-hat hacking message board, because it was so successful!

Before the Internet took off, I had to deal with “old-school” false claims to police, campuses, you name it. So this is nothing new for me. Just be careful not to be an enabler by carrying out their dirty work for them. Look into the party making a complaint, before you take any action. Know what you’re doing!

——– Original Message ——–

Date: 2021-04-21 02:50
From: Chronic Abuse
To: Zeke Krahlin

Hi Zeke,

We are sorry that the details about the report were not properly explained in the first email that was sent. Recently we have started a new policy where we notify customers about copyright infringement reports. Since this is a new policy, we are still working out the bugs in how we manage the process. We will use your feedback to help improve the process.

We understand that you are saying this message has been sent to you in error, so please disregard it. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Best regards,

Chronic Technical Support

Come join the fastest growing internet provider in America!

To: Chronic Abuse
From: Zeke Krahlin
Date: April 20, 2021 9:05 PM

Here, see these articles (which I meant to include in my previous post):

False copyright claims are more common than you think.

An Example of When Large Companies Abuse Copyright Law

YouTube channels are being held hostage with false copyright claims, but the platform’s hands are tied

BTW Youtube recently took down one of my videos, even though nothing about it was in violation of any of their rules…someone in their ranks just didn’t LIKE what I said in that video, which is now accessible on my Google Drive…same company that owns Youtube, as you know. You are welcome to view it for yourself.

I appealed it, but YT still said no. Their claim was that it contained medical misinformation about COVID-19…which it most certainly did NOT. My criticism was in San Francisco’s mismanagement of the vaccine rollout. And I am a victim of it! If anything, it is the city itself that is responsible for violating vaccine protocol. And complaining about it (as I did in the video) has NOTHING to do with spreading misinformation. Makes me wonder about the level of IQ of some of YT’s employees.

As for my copyright debacle back in 1998, my parody is still up there, thanks to the good people at EFF.

BTW. do you know about the gray area regarding using copyrighted images on one’s website or blog? So long as you are not monetizing your article (or requiring any fee to visit your site, or getting money for your posts in any other way), it is perfectly fine to post anyone else’s image to dress up your writing. But should someone complain (like the actual artist or photographer), may as well remove it, than have a headache. Only ONCE has someone complained, and my web host was freaking out, asked me to please take it down. I did, immediately. However, what was this “controversial” image? Just a tiny photo of a pepper spray canister…the back side of it, to be exact, where the product label does NOT even show! It was a very generic pic. Of all things for someone to gripe about! Furthermore, I am easy to get in touch with, but instead of first contacting me, the accuser went over my head and alarmed my web host!

All my writing I declare public domain right off the bat. It is even an art form in and of itself, to find images on the web that surprisingly fit the theme of each article so well. I startle myself often, every time I search for an image…and one usually shows up on the first page of the results, that is amazingly suited for the present theme. But many people are duped into believing using such coyprighted images (w/o first asking permission) for your own articles or stories is a big no-no…but it is NOT. Under the conditions I just stated above.

Particularly nasty people, organizations or their agents prefer to attack their target by complaining to their Internet provider, rather than the admin. of the web host, blog account, or whatever venue the issue in question is presented. THEY GO FOR THE JUGULAR! And they will use you, or any other ISP worker, to be their free puppet, if they can finagle their way around.

So, in protecting your organization from any possible unscrupulous customer, you must ALSO learn to protect yourself from any possible unscrupulous claimant as well! I would NOT still have my “Gay Bible” website up after all these years, were it not for the Online Policy Group, which provides free web hosting to non-profits and individual LGBT activists like myself. Before I learned about them in 1997, I was booted offa one web host or another every four months or so, due to Christian zealots riding my ass! And my site has NOTHING to do with pornography or any other seamy motive. It is a POLITICAL and SPIRITUAL site for LGBTs anywhere in the world, to give them inspiration and hope.

Now, my Brindlekin Tales WordPress blog and Youtube channel contain many pro-gay perspectives…so I wonder how long it will be before the homophobic vultures start to try and tear it all down? And will Youtube and WordPress have the cojones to defend my writing and videos, or will they cave in? But if the latter, you can bet your life I’ll fight them tooth and nail, with EFF backing me up all the way!

Yours truly,

Zeke Krahlin

From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 20, 2021 9:11 PM

> Oh, excellent response!!!

Followed by a SECOND response which I’ve also just bcc’d to you!

From: Chronic Abuse
To: Zeke Krahlin
Date: April 20, 2021 10:17 PM

On 2021-04-21 04:48, Chronic Abuse wrote:

> Hi Zeke,
> We appreciate you providing us some background information regarding your experience with copyrights. The links you referenced will be a useful resource for us as we work towards improving our policy regarding copyright infringement. Thank you and have a good night!

Thanks, you too. Long live the memory of Aaron Swartz!

From: Zeke Krahlin
To: Chronic Abuse
Date: April 21, 2021 12:22 PM

Remy, one more tidbit about fair use:

“Fair use laws state that copyrighted material may be copied for ‘limited and transformative’ purposes without the permission of the copyright owner. DRM often runs in contradiction to these laws by interfering with the ability for the limited material to be copied or shared. Fair use can be used to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work. It is frequently used by journalists and other forms of media.”

From: A Complete Guide to DRM for Beginners

So, this would apply to reviewing a film, book or song. Or research regarding built-in religious (or other) bias against a group of people. Or any other research (such as for historical, comparative or social purposes).

Such use does not, of course, legitimize prolific sharing and/or sales of copies of the material in question. This is a good place to draw the line re. concluding whether or not possessing a copyrighted work w/o permission is legal. Media industries do NOT care to make such a distinction, thus often overstep boundaries of the law through intimidation, threats and false or overhyped accusations.

Nor does anyone doing reviews or research need to be a recognized or licensed “professional” in any field. A perfect example of this are vloggers and bloggers of news issues, that are NOT assigned reporters for any media outlet. I am one such v/blogger, and have been for many years. Of course, governmental authorities are attempting to strip away these free-speech rights, in order to control what information they choose to limit, usually for ulterior motives having to do with power.

Private industry likewise stomps all over citizens’ rights to voice their opinions and report whatever news they want. Because, by being PRIVATE corporations, they are not obliged to respect or hold up the rights of free speech for anyone. Facebook and Youtube are prime examples.

There IS an effective way to halt truly FAKE news, but they use that as an excuse to ban legitimate reportage on issues they don’t like, either because it conflicts with their own political or religious views, or may hurt their profits.

It is good that Chronic has decided to inform any customer of accusation of illegal copyright issues by third parties. But NOT by replicating said party’s draconic label of “ABUSE” or any other disturbing nonsense. Some customers may not even be aware they are breaking a copyright law…and they are not the ones trying to profit from illegal reselling or widespread redistribution. They usually don’t KNOW what their rights are, thus can easily be intimidated and even blacklisted from online services, including Internet providers.

ISPs are in the crossfire, and that is a decidedly DIFFICULT “between a rock and a hard place” position. In deciding how you want to deal with claims of copyright infringement, the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) provides excellent guidance. Chronic’s policy is, I believe, to protect customers, as opposed to obliging the demands of corporate hegemony. If that changes, your company would be no better than the monopoly ISPs.

This is my last post to you on this thread…I just thought it important to mention this fair use issue. Thanks again for your attention; no need to reply.

– Zeke Krahlin
LGBT street activist before the dawn of Futurama

From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 21, 2021 1:48 PM

> Aaron, we hardly knew ye…

Yep. Very tragic example of government colluding with the corporation juggernaut. Cyberspace has made us all an open book, including gov’t, no matter how hard it resists. The ONLY sane solution is to inculcate a heretofore unheard-of level of trust among citizens, and between them and those who rule our lives.

In spite of Chronic’s claim to protect their customers from Big Brother, it is clear to me that one should nonetheless use a VPN to guard their privacy and rights therefrom. Even though Chronic claims one doesn’t NEED a VPN at home–due to their supposedly high level of security–they did NOT mention that, without a VPN, your IP number is still easily discovered. Thus can be used by online stalkers to track you down, harass you with false complaints, and other foul attacks. This includes possible abuse by gov’t and corporate entities.

I had become overly confidant in Chronic’s claim of security, and stopped using my VPN about three months ago, which I originally purchased because ALL my online activities were via public wifi, back in the pre-pandemic days. LESSON LEARNED! My VPN is now reactivated for my two laptops, my tablet and my two smartphones.

Considering that my rise to further recognition via Brindlekin Tales will garner me NEW enemies, a VPN has become an utter necessity. Christian zealots are the bane of America…and of the world. Along with Libertarians, who are NOT part of the Jebus cabal (as are Republicans), but EVIL just the same.

– Zeke K-Holmes

P.S.: Unbelievable how many crises my bodhisattvas have been hurling at THIS poor pilgrim, since November. This shit’s GOTTA slow down, before I’m afraid to step outside! Then again, it looks like even refusing to leave my hovel will NOT in any way stop this ongoing flood of challenges. As so well demonstrated by Chronic’s abusive email! Not to mention my building manager, nasty neighbors, and the elevator crew. What next..the FBI crashing down my door to abscond with my cyber-devices? They should be so lucky. They’ll be worth a FORTUNE on eBay soon enough.

The Brilliant Life and Tragic Death of Aaron Swartz

Less Hair Gel, More Puppy Love, Please!

April 15, 2021

Sad state of affairs, to see how poorly Deek cares for his sweet doggies, Flaco & Lucky. He seems to care more about gelling his hair, than showing more kindness to the pups. I confronted him on this, citing animal abuse, which he opposed with shamefully childish excuses. My hope, of course, is that I’m being tested, and this little scenario is a ruse. The bodhisattva challenge here is: do I speak out, or do I remain silent for fear of him removing the dogs entirely from my world? I believe I took the right action, by confronting him in a non-hostile, patient manner. This is in three parts, totaling 26 minutes.

Part 1 (11 mins.):

Click here to watch the video.

Part 2 (8 mins.):

Click here to watch the video.

Part 3 (8 mins.):

Click here to watch the video.

Lisa Harwood’s Brilliant Recommendation of my Tales

April 5, 2021

[BRINDLEKIN TALES – Book 4: Chapter 1]

Subject: Scary or what?
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 2, 2021 9:04 PM

I just completed and published chapter 16, the next-to-last chapter of the entire trilogy! 25-32 minutes reading estimate, which is average for most of the chapters. So now what?

The final chapter NEEDS to be a happy ending. I COULD remove one or two chapters, that are a collection of videos (which will free me up for one or two more chapters yet to pen), but that ruins the multimedia aspect so essential to these books. So, no I WON’T do that. For now, I’ll just have to wait and see. This email, of course, will be the opening salvo.

I feel like a mad scientist, driven at any cost to complete the resurrection of his monster from dead organs, limbs and brain! These tales are totally insane, as well as astoundingly beautiful, profound and liberating. Talk about patting myself on the back! Which would be MUCH easier to do, were I Quasimodo. THAT’S IT, THAT’S YOUR NEW PSEUDONYM: “QUASIMODO!” Ha-ha, just kidding…we’ll stick with good ol’ Doctor Wattson.

Wait-a-minute, that’s the wrong character; Dr. Frankenstein’s assistant was named “Igor.” Who was ALSO a hunchback, so the pun works just the same. What a drab name, though…I could never see you as an Igor.

Thus I now leap into my final chapter of all chapters: the cerulean waters of Avalon, trusting whatever god, nymph or spirit rules this lake, that no leviathan shall rear its scaly head and snatch me up in its jaws. It WOULD be just my rotten luck if this were Loch Ness!

Hopefully, I can dog paddle my way to safe harbor, if such be the case. Arf!

– Zeke K-Holmes

Subject: Lisa Harwood’s Brilliant Recommendation of my Tales
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 3, 2021 8:19 AM

I just posted back to her: “BRILLIANT, THANK YOU!” See below. Deek just showed up with the pooches, BTW…7 AM, woke me up, arrived at the gate so I wouldn’t have to step outside. They went NUTS, dying to dash up the stairs and into my patch of heaven, while I held onto the leashes as their owner spoke:

“I gotta do something very important. I’ll be back this afternoon, maybe later.”

Me: “Okay, they’ll be fine with me.”

Him [with the inevitable question like a broken record]: “Did the money show up yet?”

Me: “Nope.”

Him: “When do you THINK it’ll show up?”

Me: [shrugs shoulders]

Him: “Oh you probably got it already, you’re just lying!”

Me: “Nope.” [Doggies continue to tug on their leashes, tails a-waggin’, while I hold the gate ajar.]

Him: “Every bum on the street has it, and YOU still  don’t?”

Me: “Good for them.”

Him [stern frown on his dusty mug]: “Don’t do anything funny with my dogs, just take care of them like a normal person.”

Me: “Always.”

Having heard enough, I left Deek still spouting absurdities and departed up the stairs with the exuberant brindlekin yanking me all the way hovel, and inside. Now, here’s Lisa’s excellent praise:


Subject: Re: [MCN-Announce]- The Next , Next, Next, Next, Next, Next, Next, Next Chapter [BRINDLEKIN TALES – Book 3: Chapter 16]
Date: 2021-04-03 08:06
From: Lisa Harwood
To: Announce MCN

Folks: Have any of you dipped into Zeke’s Brindlekin Tales? (those links in blue he tags onto his listserv posts). You should. It’s a consistently literate journal, tracking the drama of a heroically compressed life (you’ll see as you read chapter-by-chapter) premised by the love for two homeless pups and the perfidy of a younger, destitute friend the “state” has declared their rightful owner.

It includes multiple dialogs, which play off several email correspondents. Especially well-done are his letters to a ‘My Dear Wattson’ with whom he shares a robust camaraderie. As well (and these occur when he is saddened), the journal regularly contains original devotionals: passages that borrow for affirmation from two belief disciplines in equally pertinent ways.

What has made the Tales such an addictive experience for me is the way Zeke laces his writings with spurts of video from a camera he wears on his face. It’s a unique and really good choice for this video vérité—leaving Zeke’s hands free when he is interacting with the pups, revealing consistent off-kilter perspectives of his SF neighborhood and his “hovel” (as he terms it).

The angle renders unbelievably appealing footage of canine contentment. There is daily drama in Zeke’s life. Moments of threats recorded: and while it is going on, he spontaneously narrates an astute sense of the impact of small but ultimately significant alterations to the life of an urban street. . . .this man does a lot of thoughtful sharing of what he has. The extent of how much he shares will probably shock you. This is not the Zeke you can’t stand. This is that Zeke.


Re: [MCN-Announce]- The Next , Next, Next, Next, Next, Next, Next, Next Chapter [BRINDLEKIN TALES – Book 3: Chapter 16]
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: Lisa Harwood
Date: April 3, 2021 9:11 AM

And the pups are back, BTW. 7 AM Deek woke me up, said he’s got something important to do, he’ll be back this afternoon, maybe later. Made some wisecracks, otherwise no problem. This is tough for him, I’m sure, but what a great return. (I decided not to contact him, let him call or see me once he’s ready.)

Flaco & Lucky are overjoyed to visit once more, and are sound asleep, crashed out on the cot right now (see attachment). Once settled in, I checked my laptop to discover YOUR kind praise! So I’m off to a good day, wouldn’t you agree? Thanks again, Lisa!

Who “My Dear Wattson” is, is no big secret, for you can discover that buried in my tales and a couple of videos which show her latest book atop one of my bins. She is Eleanor Cooney of Mendocino town. EXCELLENT person in all ways. She is also in a large number of my chapters from my previous novel, “Free Me From This Bond,” once more as my email confidante.

– Zeke

P.S.: I may just give him my entire stimulus, once it arrives. Though he’ll probably spend it foolishly, my act will prove beneficial in other, intangible ways. I can survive quite well on my regular monthly stipend.

Click here for a larger view.

Re: [MCN-Announce]- The Next , Next, Next, Next, Next, Next, Next, Next Chapter [BRINDLEKIN TALES – Book 3: Chapter 16]
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: Announce MCN, Discussion MCN
Date: April 3, 2021 9:48 AM

On 2021-04-03 15:52, Ladye Birdsong wrote:

> No
>> Folks: Have any of you dipped into Zeke’s Brindlekin Tales?

Of course YOU, Ms. Boredom, love to rub your “no” into my face, by also posting your heart-dead reply TO me via private email. I look forward to the time later this year and beyond, when YOU rent a motel room to discover the Bible has been replaced by Brindlekin Tales in the nightstand drawer of EVERY hotel and motel room across the planet. You just won’t be able to get away from it, as my trilogy will ALSO be discussed across ALL media platforms worldwide, as well as appear brilliantly illuminated in the window display of EVERY bookstore and library that exists. Woo-hoo!

Subject: Lisa Harwood’s Brilliant Recommendation of my Tales
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 3, 2021 1:22 PM

> So glad you have the dogs today. God, how I wish he’d let you put your phone number on their collars. I know he won’t allow it, but how I wish.

I am not stressed over that any more…the pups will be fine, no matter what. This is a lesson of FAITH, destined to become the MIRACLE for all the world to witness. Even were they stolen for a time, they’d be brought back to me shortly, unharmed and in good spirits. They are PROTECTED, for they are DIVINE. I wouldn’t be surprised at this point, if Flaco produced a single offspring from a VIRGIN BIRTH, but instead of in a manger, it’ll occur in a hovel. I’ll name the puppy “Susej.” (Ha-ha, Jesus spelled backwards sounds like “sausage.”) This miraculous event will put a totally NEW spin on the phrase: “dog spelled backwards is god!”

I think at that point, Lucky will sport a halo and sprout angel wings! 

– Zeke K-Holmes

Re: [MCN-Announce]- The Next , Next, Next, Next, Next, Next, Next, Next Chapter [BRINDLEKIN TALES – Book 3: Chapter 16]
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 3, 2021 1:39 PM

> You could just about use this as a cover letter if you were to submit it to a publisher.

Yes I sure could, but it’s not in the plans to submit my trilogy to any publisher. For one thing, I’d be forced to remove my online version, as it’s public domain. HIGHLY unlikely I’d ever find a publisher anywhere, who would be willing to produce my work under the public domain category. My tales WILL take off w/o any of the muss, fuss, frustration or incantation so necessary in going through the traditional channels. Furthermore:

Ms. Harwood herself is not a celebrity or renowned author, so her magnanimous words are of not high value to the status quo.

– Zeke K-Holmes

Re: Scary or what?
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 3, 2021 2:00 PM

> Igor would be a fitting name for me these days…

This too shall pass…and very soon. The mutts enjoyed a full meal, and are now back at their stations on the cot, sound asleep. Lucky has burrowed himself beneath two layers of fluffy sleeping bags, and you wouldn’t even know he’s there. Flaco curled up in the box for a few minutes, but decided she prefers the bed. I’m hoping Deek will allow them to stay overnight, instead of stepping back out again today. As for my getting vaccinated:

IMPOSSIBLE. I may be eligible, but nothing’s available! This is because thousands of younger people lied about their health or zip code or occupation, in order to get their shots before the elderly could…thus more illness and deaths than need be. Hopefully, I won’t be one such unlucky boomer. Here in the City of Death, where I shine a bright light. Check this out:

– Zeke K-Holmes

Re: [MCN-Announce]- The Next , Next, Next, Next, Next, Next, Next, Next Chapter [BRINDLEKIN TALES – Book 3: Chapter 16]
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 3, 2021 2:29 PM

> Oh, I know all that. It was mostly an expression of how well she “grokked” it. And how surprisingly well she wrote what she did.

Yes, I was quite amazed over her superb review. I could NOT be more overjoyed. Hers is the spark that will set off the bonfire.

> That’s absolutely true. I’ve known her for many, many years.

Seriously? That’s amazing in and of itself. April will NOT disappoint. This is it, Wattson!

– Zeke K-Holmes

Re: Some Sweet Lovin’
From: Zeke’s Mailing List
To: Charles Kapinski
Date: April 3, 2021 4:19 PM

> My 70 yr old buddy Bill just passed. He had an artificial heart valve act up on him. Went into the hospital, no corona. Days later he caught it there. In treating the valve they lost him, and conveniently for their stats sake listed him as a corona death.

Sorry to hear a good friend was lost to America’s death cult.

> They have ten cats, one named Gannon who loved him and likes me very much who is 17 and slowly dying. His young wife has found a new flame and is trying to palm Gannon onto me, but he is better off dying in familiar surroundings with his feline fellows. She’s a ditz.

She used him, now she wants to use you. Her “new flame” is in for a rude awakening.

> He had a red macaw parrot. A week after Bill died on 12/15, the parrot floopped and dropped dead. I never trusted him.

Not trusting a parrot? Tell me more. Hope you’re doing better now, Chuck…it kinda sounds like it. There are NO vaccines available for me, because thousands of young people lied to get them first: about their health condition, zip code, or occupation. This horrific situation in San Franshitsco is being swept under the rug. Residents with cars can go to neighboring counties or further, for their shots. Something I can’t do. Public transit is out of the question, since that’s a GREAT way to catch it.

– Zeke

Oh c’mon, you can trust me!

Subject: Last chapter’s already 2/3 done…
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 3, 2021 9:19 PM

…and I’m freaking out. Of course, THIS email only ADDS to it. Not much time left for the miracle! I’m biting my nails. Which I’ve never done before. I’m tearing my hair out, even though I have none…that’s how bad it is. Maybe I’ll keep deleting passages, like tearing out pages from an unfinished chapter till it comes out right. But those passages are priceless, too! THIS COULD GO ON FOREVER!

After 9 PM now: pooches still here, loving all the cushy-blue comfort of four kid’s sleeping bags piled one atop another, as they snooze after their second meal and a good poop. Did you know that Flaco snores? Little delicate snores that delight the ear when close up. They gaze at me with such love in their crescent-moon, golden-brown eyes, I could weep! Their sweetness is radiant; I need no other light. They ARE the miracle!

– Zeke K-Holmes

Re: Last chapter’s already 2/3 done…
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 3, 2021 10:34 PM

> Keep everything you delete in a separate file (which I’m sure you’re doing anyway). It’ll be a treasure trove.

I will certainly do that.

> I hope Deek never comes back. There, I’ve said it.

At least not the nasty version of Deek! That may have been the end of the chapter, and thus the trilogy, last sentence being: “They ARE the miracle!”

I think it’s a fine ending for the book, yet other events or thoughts may pop up that are just too POTENT to exclude. How do YOU feel about me ending it right then and there? It’s clever: last email entitled “Subject: Last chapter’s already 2/3 done…” And the upswing just barely taking off by the time the last chapter is complete, giving the readers many sweet hours of meditation on the triple-opus aftermath. And my sudden realization that I just MAY have come to the finale: it snuck up on me! I’m just wary, though, about sealing the trilogy with any type of closure but one that is indisputably jubilant. Let’s see how things progress in my world, testing whether or not the ending has been achieved. Meanwhile, I’ll ponder this vision I had while slumped in my chair half asleep:

Aw damn, I just nodded off for a few minutes, and now I can’t remember. It was incredible, though…something about a secret cabal of scientists breeding genetically mutated cockroaches, which release will turn our planet into a utopia. Well after midnight the pups are still here, time to hit the cot.

– Zeke K-Holmes

Subject: Do you know about the cartoon series, “Oggy & the Cockroaches?”
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 4, 2021 1:29 PM

It appears to be a children’s series on the caliber of “Adventure Time,” which is WONDERFUL, I’ve watched every episode from start to finish, across the span of late 2019 to mid-2020. I discovered “Oggy” just moments ago, when searching for some clever image of partying cockroaches, to insert in my final chapter. According to Wikipedia, it’s “a French comedy animated television series!” Oggy is a CAT, by the way. Each episode is 10 minutes, and the series started airing in 1998, still going strong today.

Hopefully, the first 7 series I’m downloading from Pirate Bay are in English. However, that may not be crucial, since the show “employs silent comedy: characters either do not speak, or use unintelligible vocalizations and gestures.” There is a slew of these episodes on Youtube; I’ve watched a couple minutes of one, and enjoyed it thoroughly. The animation style is almost identical to that of “Ren & Stimpy.” Meanwhile:

It is now 1:25 PM…Deek has yet to return, thus I continue to enjoy the darlin’ mutts’ gracious company. Great sleepover as usual…they are very happy to snuggle up to me, and I, to them. Will April disappoint? I think not. I shot this video this morning (4.5 minutes):

Subject: He finally showed up to retrieve the pooches.
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 4, 2021 4:01 PM

That was around 3 PM. He wished me a Happy Easter, and I, the same. Told me if anything happens to him, like his death, he has things arranged for Flaco & Lucky to be handed over to me, via another friend who has a roof over his head, who will bring them TO me. True or false? I have no idea. So I told him that’s not gonna happen thank god, but it’s good to plan ahead for such horrid possibilities, if you can. We then departed as I called to him from halfway across the street: “Thank you for trusting me with your dogs!”

He DID gripe a bit, Wattson, about my not getting the stimulus check yet…that all his friends and everyone else in the city is celebrating their gov’t windfall. I told him that’s not true…Trump fucked it up for the elderly on Social Security, but it’s getting straightened out. I already told him this before, but he’s a short-attention-span kind of guy for whom you must repeat just about EVERYthing.

At any rate, it was a friendly meetup…and that’s what REALLY counts. I also gave him his $60 allowance for the week. He mentioned he got ripped off last night, and other difficulties, and that’s why he’s so late. Who knows if that’s true? He probably just wanted to “party” his ass off. Fine with me, as the pups had a warm and friendly place to spend a day and a night. I reminded him no matter WHAT happens that causes him a delay in picking up the mutts, they will ALWAYS be safe with me, so he need NEVER worry about that. One more thing:

As I brought Flaco & Lucky down the stairs, there was Dieter chatting with Kevin the building manager, who seemed friendly enough (thank god). The pups barked, but in a low-key manner, and we had to pass through a narrow gathering of three people in the lobby (manager and two others). The pooches were absolutely NO problem. Kevin said something about their good manners, and I replied: “They’re getting used to the building.”

Just as I predicted: April shall be the month where peace grows, and conflict subsides. At least in MY life, though I’m hopeful for everyone else in the world.

– Zeke K-Holmes

PS: I think one of my most PROFOUND passages (and there are many) is where I said in the previous chapter:

“I am NOT inventing these tales, I’m LIVING them. This is what is so extraordinary, and is also wherein lies my liberation: a relic, a sliver of Saint Roch’s thigh bone where the hunting dog had licked and healed his bubonic wound. Discovered in the fountain spillage of my creative force. With Flaco & Lucky by my side, who led me there…my 2-headed Cerberus!”

At first, after writing that (which just flowed from my keyboard, as in a trance) I didn’t realize what all that implied. I read it over numerous times before it hit me: it is the doggies’ boundless love that brought me to the bubbling spring of my inspiration! And THAT, dear Wattson, is truly a beautiful thing to contemplate!


Here is a conversation in the AskSF Reddit sub, in which I participated on April 3rd and 4th. My handle is "i-luv-ducks." Topic of the thread is "Is it still possible to do standby at the Moscone Center if you’re under 50?"


Multiple friends under 50 have had luck at East Bay sites


Are people being deceptive on a form, and check a box that says they qualify to get vaccinated? or is there a greater supply in Alameda county than demand? I'm not attempting to pass judgement, just confused how people outside of the state's tier plan are getting appointments.


Yes. Most people I know who got it who are under 50 fibbed on the from. We basically like “well I have asthma so that should count” or “I do consulting work for a construction firm which is eligible so I should be too”, that sort of thing. I’m happy waiting another 3-4 weeks if that means 50+ can more easily get them


> Most people I know who got it who are under 50 fibbed on the from.

And that's why I, 70 years old, STILL can't get a vaccine appointment. My death will be on a lot of younger heads! Damn millenials.


Don't know why you're downvoted, lying on the form is a dick move.


Those are the same dicks that downvoted me...obviously. Thanks for your thoughtful reply, BTW.


If you need help getting a vaccine let me know. The following worked for lots:

- Use

- Enter 94103 as zip code

- Schedule with Moscone.

Moscone does 10-15k shots a day so your odds are better there. Just need to keep checking every hour unfortunately.


I'm not FROM the 94103 zip code area. Don't they check ID? Even if not, I'm not interested in placing myself in possibly a dangerous legal situation. Checking every hour is BS...I'm not a rat tapping on a lever to get the pellet!

UPDATE: I've been banned from this sub for two days, so I can't post or reply yet, but it looks like I can edit, which is what I'm doing now. I get NO availability results using myturn. When I opt for the Safeway locations within five miles of my home, it says there are NO openings. Anything else I try, NO openings.

And I apologize for comparing this Kafkaesque nightmare to a rat tapping for a pellet...because it's REALLY more like a death lottery.

Does anyone realize that the elderly weren't even eligible until less than two weeks ago? It was all based on occupation and high-risk medical conditions till then. As if being old were not a medical high risk in and of itself! Such jumping the line is not limited to SF, but is nationally widespread. See:

Not just younger people pushing the elderly aside, but wealthy folks cutting ahead of the poor (which I am, as well as elderly...not owning a car doesn't help):


People engaged in active line-cutting — strategically positioning themselves to receive vaccines that were not intended for them — may be acting with "vaccine entitlement," says Fletcher: "There are certain people who feel justified in accessing and skipping the line and going to a county over or state over because they're so accustomed to having access, and believe they are deserving of resources that others may not have."

For instance, in cases where people from wealthier neighborhoods are going to poorer neighborhoods that have been prioritized to receive COVID-19 vaccines, the outsiders are flexing their privilege, Fletcher says. "They have access to transportation. They have access to information, to the internet." It's a move that undermines efforts to reduce health inequities.


To the person who said: "As long as you're a resident of SF, you're eligible at any location in SF."

The trick word is "eligible." Of COURSE I'm eligible, but that is NOT the same thing as any vaccine center being "accessible." Which I'm learning the hard way. That person also said:

"In fact SF county allows out of county residents too."

Well, you're not a resident if you're out of county, right? Furthermore, that just gave the green light for streams of MORE young people making the dick move of pushing aside the elderly and the poor, by making accessibility even harder for them, SUCH AS MYSELF. Thus resulting in additional COVID sickness and deaths. This horrid outcome will likely get all swept under the rug: the dark underbelly of SF will once more go unnoticed.

As for the person who asked what "rat tapping" means: it's a reference to using lab rats for experiments on stimulating the pleasure center of the brain. Every time they'd tap a lever their pleasure node would be zapped (because an electric wire was connected from the lever to a specific part of their brain). Turns out they get SO much pleasure, they'll starve to death, even when access to food is right next to them.


As long as you're a resident of SF, you're eligible at any location in SF. In fact SF county allows out of county residents too.

Sorry that you think this is akin to rat tapping. I really wish you best of luck. If you need I can check for you and let you know.


What's rat tapping? Google was unhelpful.

From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 4, 2021 8:53 PM

This is hard to believe, but, I GOT ADISA ON VIDEO, screaming at me by the front gate WITHOUT A MASK. Along with two of his lackey “friends,” ALSO WITHOUT A MASK. Here’s the video description, then the link below (video is 3.25 mins.):

Putting part 2 up first, due to it being the most urgent aspect of the three sections.  Parts 1 and 2 are about my latest meetup with Deek, and will be uploaded later tonight. SO GLAD I WEAR THESE SPYGLASSES!

Young man screams at me by the front gate of my apartment building. He lives here, too! My guess is that someone (or ones) besides myself has reported him and his friends (who DON'T live here) for loitering in the hallway, being a disturbance, and NOT WEARING A MASK...which they've done repeatedly over the past five or six months. Not every day or even every week, but sporadically. I reported him and his mother quite a while back, but this time around it's not me! Though clearly, I'm the scapegoat here. Are they being evicted? And why didn't the cops order them to step aside so I can enter without maskless punks in such close proximity? That angry fellow and his mom falsely accused me that one of my pups bit him and shed blood. THAT never happened, they do NOT bite...and their allegation came right on the heels of their receiving a copy of my grievance to the landlord, Ablahblah Realty. Which makes the whole accusation highly suspicious. Besides, the dogs are always with me, and they were never even NEAR either one of them, ever.

From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 4, 2021 9:14 PM

> Horrible. Just fucking horrible.

I thought it was HILARIOUS! They’re actors…didn’t you see them poorly concealing their grins? This is just another setup to make me the hero! Well, they’re gone: two down, one to go (the manager)! Nice that Kismet tossed me an extra bone in Todd’s demise! Had another most EXCELLENT visit with Deek tonight…all recorded on video, so it’ll be uploaded later on, perhaps tomorrow morning. You will LOVE it. Meanwhile, here are parts 1 and 2 of “Trouble at the Gate” (5 and 4 minutes, respectively). I think you’ll be impressed by Deek’s demeanor:

Subject: Mr. Psychobitch thinks he’s clever!
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: Announce MCN, Discussion MCN
Date: April 4, 2021 9:33 PM

He emailed me today, under a female pseudonym, saying she’d love to drop off a large bag of dog food at my place, next time she visits her friend in SF. I already figured it was him (I mean, gimme a break, she mentions “Mike Sears” right off the bat) so I gave him my OLD address and phone number. FYI: I NEVER give my real phone and address to strangers on the Internet. He HAS, however, been reported to the proper authorities. Read it all here, and have a good laugh:

On 2021-04-05 00:52, annemarie weibel wrote:

I have been following you and your dogs that you post on the list. I think it is so nice of you to take of those puppies for your homeless friend. I have four dogs that I love dearly myself so I buy dog food in bulk from our country feed store where I get a very good price. I have a friend in north beach I see about once a month. If you give me your address and phone number I can call you and drop off a 25 pound of dog food for you.  I'm sorry to read what some people on the list say about you. Mike Sears is not liked by the good people here in our supportive community so don't be upset about what he says about you. Not everyone on the coast here is like him or his friends.

Peace and Love


On Mon, Apr 5, 2021 at 2:11 AM Zeke Krahlin wrote:

Wow! So kind of you. And it will also be a GREAT pleasure meeting a real live person, finally, who is on that "controversial list" who is familiar with, and enjoys, my puppy contributions! May you have the loveliest night of your life, tonight...and always.

My phone is a land line, BTW:


My residence is here in the Castro, on Market Street between Castro and Noe/16th Streets (they all intersect).

[xxx] Market Street, #205
SF, CA 94102


Re: annemarie from the mendo list serve
From: annemarie weibel
To: Zeke Krahlin

I"ll be sure to drop it off personally.

All 6'3", 245 pound of Big Mike

Oldest cop trick in the book.............SUCKER !!!

Re: annemarie from the mendo list serve
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 5, 2021 10:11 AM

> Amazing how he keeps getting taller, isn’t it? From 6’2″ to 6’3″, just like that!

Oh, he’s just one more bodhisattva, as I concluded some time ago, and so expertly analyzed in chapter 13 of book 1: “Checkmate, Mr. Kuzlowski.” Setting me up to become the hero. IOW:


Re: [MCN-Discussion]- Mr. Psychobitch thinks he’s clever!
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 5, 2021 10:45 AM

> But….that IS your real address, isn’t it??

Of course.

Re: (R) of the Albany County Legislature states a remark so homophobic is must be heard to be believed.
From: Zeke’s Mailing List
To: Carlyle Lambourne
Date: April 5, 2021 11:24 AM

We are DESTINED for a global LGBT revolution, and very soon. WE SHALL BE VICTORIOUS! Your excellent remarks on this topic are now embedded in the final chapter of book 3 of my Brindlekin trilogy. Which shall be published soon, definitely before the end of this month. It’s the LONGEST chapter of all the tales, by a long shot.

– Ezekiel

RE: (R) of the Albany County Legislature states a remark so homophobic is must be heard to be believed.
From: Carlyle Langbourne
To: Zeke’s Mailing List
Date: April 4, 2021 8:17 PM


It is nice that he kind-of apologized, but I doubt that he gets how simple-minded his viewpoint really is, and just how callous are his remarks and what kind of provocations they are. He is probably just posturing and almost surely will continue having an ugly and bigoted outlook.

Christian bigots like him don’t get that being gay in terms of procreation is really no different in moral terms than a man and wife who find themselves unable to conceive, as happens to some 10% of straight couples. In neither case did we request or choose the situation. For a gay man to marry a woman to whom he is capable of feeling no genuine attraction would be the real ethical failing.

Furthermore, if our planet were in any danger of dying out due to lack of people, gay men and lesbians could rise to the call. Even further, the real existential danger to human continuation is a glut of human beings, polluting and exhausting the planet.

Bigots like him cannot get that a homosexual really IS a homosexual, not a misbehaving heterosexual. Something different on a basic level that is probably biological in nature. But the GOP doesn’t really care about any of that, they care only about power and pandering to religious bigots and crackpots. In their secret, dark hearts., which they cannot hide and are not real secret to us, they would be as cynically casual about wiping out “imperfect” people who were at no fault for their imperfections. Like the Nazis who said about slaughtered gays, “It isn’t a punishment. We are simply terminating abnormal life”.

This is why I have long felt- we don’t owe them anything, at all. Not civility, not respect, not the peace, not hope for a shiny future that will redeem it all if only we are patient and nice enough that we don’t spoil it by getting nasty. I have felt that probably this country could never be set straight until blood has been shed, without guilt or apology, only with determined defiance, in the Republican party, in the archaic and poisonous Churches, in the red states, in the right-wing media. As true today as it was true in 1862. Too far gone for mere words. Trump was more than enough proof of that.

If that spirit produced a right-wing dictatorship, it would really only be the blame of the victims for not fighting hard enough, not for daring to ever think of reading the riot act to the bastards.

Regards, Carlyle

Subject: Mr. Sewer’s phone number and voicemail message:
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 5, 2021 12:15 PM

I have NOT listened to the voicemail message yet. Tell me what you think about it, good doctor. I don’t want my deductive reasoning skills to be unduly disrupted at this crucial moment of the investigation. As for Myrtle & son:

Appears they’ve moved out for good. Deek said he watched them lug bundles of stuff to the curb, squabbling until a van picked them up. Wish I could’ve seen and recorded THAT; it would’ve been a Sundance Film Festival honorary mention! Funny thing, though:

As I returned from Rosenberg’s with my morning java, I saw Myrtle enter the building from a half block away (she did not see me). Not unusual in and of itself, but she likewise held a fresh cup of coffee in her hand…indicative of an inappropriately casual demeanor amid a personal crisis. But it DOES make sense in light of my premise that they’re simply putting on a show for my own glory. The end game of my “initiation,” so to speak.

LOOKS LIKE MY FINAL CHAPTER IS GONNA BE ONE HECK OF A LONG RIDE! Which is great, ’cause my readers really don’t WANT the tales to end.

– Zeke K-Holmes

Subject: Mr. Sewer’s phone number and voicemail message:
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: Alvin Hock
Date: April 5, 2021 12:19 PM

Mike Sewers: 707-[xxx-xxxx] (service: U.S. Cellular).

That cell number is a surefire way to identify the REAL clown behind the makeup.

I have NOT listened to the voicemail message yet. Tell me what you think about it. I am in the middle of an investigation right now here in my neck of the woods, and do NOT want my deductive skills to be unduly distracted. One criminal at a time! Thanks.

– Zeke

P.S.: It is good that we play head-butting antagonists for a while longer, as it shakes the tree where evil monkeys hide. They have begun dropping like rotten coconuts! :D

P.P.S.: You will be honored for your good works in due time, Mr. Hock.

Re: Mr. Sewer’s phone number and voicemail message:
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: My Dear Wattson
Date: April 5, 2021 12:43 PM

> There’s nothing on there–just some static. Maybe that’s his “message.”

No, he obviously wanted me to pick up the phone…else he’d leave evidence of his harassment that I could use against him. The call was at 4:08 fukkin AM! Woke me up, thought it was Deek (maybe a butt-dial)…but then figured “Nah!” and went back to sleep.

Well, this happens EVERY time I decide to allow my phone to ring, rather than let it go directly to voicemail…or in an earlier time, to the answering machine. It’s been going on for DECADES: I ALWAYS wind up being forced to turn the ringer back off! This time around I had turned it on just so Deek could reach me via his new, paid-for smartphone ASAP. But, thanks to Mr. Psychobitch, that is once more out of the question.

I’m wondering now how things will come down on the building manager, since he was COMPLICIT in the false allegation by Myrtle & son. Perhaps I was an AID to his finally getting them evicted, thanks to my letter of complaint to Ablahblah Realty? Or perhaps he had to SWITCH SIDES to save his own skin? He is certainly friendly again, towards my doggie sitting. But one thing I CAN declare with assurance, Wattson:

This is FAR FROM THE FIRST TIME I’ve helped make this building a safer environment!

– Zeke K-Holmes

P.S.: Glad I got you his smartphone number. That was my plan in the first place. As far as his “duping” me to reveal my actual phone number and address: EASY for anyone online to find all that out. Even many of my blog entries note my street address, one way or another, including, most recently, Brindlekin Tales. In fact, the WHOLE WORLD will soon know exactly where I live…thus making 9666 Market Street, SF, a landmark building of the highest order! Many, I say MANY, good people will rise to my protection, soon. Of course, I may likely have to move elsewhere, but by then SCADS of trustworthy allies will provide me with safe harbor, ACROSS THE ENTIRE NATION…and the whole friggin planet, if it comes to that. This will include Deek and the mutts’ OWN protection, too! And since I can NOT be without the pups’ presence, we four will find refuge together! Woo-hoo!

Subject: Last Night’s Meetup with Deek: EXCELLENT! [my latest video – 12 mins.]
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: Zekes-Mailing-List
Date: April 5, 2021 3:09 PM

Same day as that nasty encounter at the front gate of my apartment building, I had excellent rapport with Deek, both before and after…one “before” and two “after.” This is the second “after.”

Checkmate, Mr. Kuzlowski

January 1, 2021

[BRINDLEKIN TALES – Book 1: Chapter 14]

Subject: Checkmate, Mr. Kozlowski (a.k.a. Carl Morano, Fred McMillon and “Get A life”)!
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: Discussion MCN
Date: December 27, 2020 6:40 PM

On Tue, 29 Dec 2020 15:19:37 -0800 Fred BOOGALOO McMillon squoinked:

I’m sorry Ewwwgene,

Eugene is actually an eloquent and beautiful name…but I REALLY like the Russian version most of all: “Yevgeny.” See:


And I learned a few years back (while studying the origin of this name, which I do from time to time) that “Eugene” has become a popular choice in Japan for naming their daughters. I can’t locate that article now, and I don’t have a lot of time to try to track it down further…though I would’ve liked very much to show it to you. I anticipate you’ll mock me over this, because “female.” Since THAT is your role as a bodhisattva yourself: to seek out every possibility to mock and insult me, that I may stand up to the challenge, and grow stronger in spirit as the result. Ergo my rebuttal before the anticipated attack (’cause that’s a high-point-score power-move on the game board I just couldn’t resist…did you see it coming?):

To perceive women as inferior is wrongful thinking.

I’m just not in the mood to bark back at a dog today.

Canis familiaris is a kind and gentle species, for reason it is called “man’s best friend.” And for which reason I consider it a grievous injustice to use the word “dog” or its image as an insult. The Islamic world certainly needs to clean up its act in that respect (and in many other ways, but that is for another discussion). So now is a choice time to explain what I mean by “I have you figured out.” Bear with me, as it’s actually rather extraordinary, and complimentary as well.

“Bodhisattva” is a Buddhist word for an enlightened being who is SO highly evolved, as to be one hundred percent deserving of the right to live in Nirvana (or “heaven”) for all eternity. But they choose, instead, to return to this earthly plane of woe, out of a compassionate yearning to aid others not so evolved towards a higher level of consciousness. And I say “consciousness” because this is truly a state of mind, rather than a place (either materially anywhere in the universe, or as some aspect of one’s imagination). In other words, one can actually ascend to this level while STILL present here on earth…and enjoy all the fruits of your labor NOW!

The bodhisattva takes on his task by sometimes playing the devil instead of an angel, if deemed the best option for his chosen pupil to learn the latest lesson…and in so doing, his charge becomes a better person. Unlike in western thought–where angels and devils play separate roles of good and evil without mixing the two–in Asian cosmology, bodhisattvas switch from one role to the other, as appropriate to the situation. Likewise for ALL their deities. Nonetheless, the bodhisattva’s motive always arises from pure compassion.

[Please note at this time that while I use the male pronoun to describe the bodhisattva, I do so only for a smooth flow of prose. Female bodhisattvas are just as prevalent and glorious as the males. Also note I will now use “BS” as a short form of “bodhisattva” in order to spare myself from typing the long version over and over again…and also, I guess, to add an element of humor.]

So why do I call YOU a BS (artist…ha, ha I couldn’t resist)? Because you fit all the prerequisites. You’ve set up the game quite awhile ago: the board is laid out, the pieces are all in place. Your chosen role is to mainly offend and threaten me, that I may take up this excellent opportunity to confront your many offenses, in as compassionate a manner as possible. This does not mean, however, that I shouldn’t ever dish it back with equally robust force for a time. But if I am true to my morals I have the obligation to drop my replies of outrage, eventually, and bring compassion to the fore, which I am now doing.

It also does not mean that one should shirk from doing what is right, even if it means reporting the offending BS to authorities, that he may be stopped from causing harm to others. Unless the BS surrenders his antagonistic role for good, you must assume he’ll keep it up forever…and can only be stifled by outright retaliation. As always, the utmost compassion possible must still be applied; one should not use his ceaseless offenses as justification for acting out of anger or hatred. As that would just be caving in to your lower demons…thus you lose the game, and the BS folds up the board and returns all pieces to their pouch. In such an egregious scenario, “most compassionate” may be to report the BS to law enforcement, or call 911 if it requires a speedy resolution. (Or, instead of getting the law involved, use other effective means such as strong, brave allies or defending yourself at the point of a gun or other weapon…such as pepper spray, which often makes for an effective, and safer, deterrent.)

But the most unwelcome (and grievous) of all challenges, is when you just may have to kill the BS yourself, to stop him from violently assaulting YOU or someone else. (Did I say this game was a pleasant one? Well it can be, but only for the most highly evolved among us, who are entirely cognizant of the BS nature, and of their own role and position on the board.)

You, yourself, Mr. Kozlowski, may or may not concede to losing the game at a certain point. However, you may choose not to, but instead go all the way into nonstop feral mode. In which case you WILL be arrested and tossed into the clinker. But even if you go to prison for a year or more, I’m not worried about any suffering you may seem to endure, in the eyes of the world. For you ARE a BS, thus have access to a higher realm of consciousness at any time you choose, to exist in a blissful state no matter where you are located, physically. But here’s my prediction:

You WILL concede at some point, perhaps very soon.

For you have long provided every witness here, almost countless opportunities to stand up to your challenges and fight back…thus becoming heroes in their own right. Sad to say, though, almost everyone has not. Much to their shame and loss. You have even pointed out now and then, that they have failed to defend me. Or have only weakly, or partially, spoken out in opposition. Buck Wilsher is a perfect example of a weak challenger, in that he has only resisted you two or three times in the vast span of a year…and in a rather milquetoast fashion, and without including a defense of my OWN person, but just in direct opposition to you. As for a textbook example of partial resistance, we have the recent rebuttal by one Annabelle Koski, who only chastised you for racist remarks, but entirely ignored the homophobic ones. Also, she’s otherwise ignored your myriad epithets for many months before she bothered to stand up to you.

I would therefore think that, after having laid out the game plan many months in advance, providing all active subscribers a more-than-generous number of opportunities to become a hero (with barely no skin off their teeth in doing so), you are ready to call it quits and move on. For you’ve done your job…and done it very well, I might add. And I think you are actually a VERY NICE PERSON for sacrificing potential friendships and respect and admiration from others, in order to serve a higher purpose. Which, in this scenario, is to serve my evolution into becoming a better man than I was before YOU showed up. But THAT (as you well know, my friend) is the true nature and mark of a bodhisattva.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my explication as much as I have savored its writing, Mr. Kozlowski. But it is quite possible you’ll choose to continue to play your role as a raving Nazi lunatic for awhile longer…sabotaging the communal purpose and enjoyment of this mailing list as you have been for nigh unto a year now . And maybe just because playing the villain onstage is so much MORE fun than playing the hero!

But I think I understand you now. Game well played, Gerard!

With warmest regards, and wishing you and your loved ones a most joyful and prosperous Happy Nude Ear,

  • Ewwwgene Frank Damien Catalano, Mafia Prince of the Schizophrenic Realms Par Excellence

Subject: Checkmate, Mr. Kozlowski (part 2)
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: Discussion MCN
Date: December 28, 2020 10:45 PM

On Tuesday, December 29, 2020 9:00:29 PM Fred BODHISATTVA McMillon sagely posted:

Do you wack to my pics Zeke ?

Good grief, no. Stop it, I just spewed coffee all over my crotch; now I have to sponge it all off with a lightly moistened washcloth, and relubricate the zipper so it doesn’t rust!

Is that what your obsession is with me ?

The obsession is all yours, Gerard. But it’s an act, part of the game…for you have chosen as your game piece, the Dark Knight, who is designated to play the arch enemy, whose role is to attempt to obfuscate and anger as many opposing pieces as possible. Whereas I have chosen the most vulnerable piece on the board: the Rabbit Prince. (FYI there is only ONE Dark Night and ONE Rabbit Prince among all pieces.) Whose goal is to try to break through the opposing camp and checkmate the Dark Knight’s Invisible Fortress, without getting massacred before then. The position of the Invisible Fortress is known only to yourself and your minions, and is designated at the beginning of the game by drawing any one of 32 cards…which determines WHICH of your pieces is also the Invisible Fortress. (BTW there are 32 pieces for each side, on a board with 144 squares.) Depending on how much POWER a piece has (which can never change), acquiring the additional role of Invisible Fortress makes for a most COMPLEX and interesting game!

I know that 6’3″ blue eyed guys turn you f*ggots on

So many other prerequisites left out of your claim, it doesn’t bear any truth whatsoever. For example, in my case, my Lover Numero Uno has the most remarkable, fiery, smokey orange eyes…like a dragon! He IS 6’7″, but all my remaining soulmates average 5’8…and one is a real shorty at 3’4″, but is MOST attractive and packs a REAL wallop where it counts, so to speak (mind you, I’m highly cerebral, thus what may mean “wallop” to you may mean something else entirely, from my OWN perspective). He earns his keep in midget tossing contests, and usually wins because while quite buff, he’s also a lightweight. At least, that’s how he garnered a wage before the pandemic struck. Nowadays, he’s testing driverless cars for Uber, and playing a clown for children’s birthday parties via a remote conferencing app called “Zoom.”

like that f*ggot who tried to rape me when I was 14.

Most men who rape their own gender are actually heterosexual. It’s more a force of power over others, than a sexual thing. And the urge for such control is far more common in the heterosexual male, than in the homosexual, or even the bisexual.

But I really think that people in MY community know what I look like.

Much to their abhorrence, no doubt. And I say this as a tactical maneuver. Check!

So, I will ask yet again.

You just lost two brindlepawns for attempting a move that failed the first time around. Woo-hoo!

WHY did you and Alvin, two mentally ill homosexuals who do not live in Mendocino county decide to take over our LOCAL Mendocino county list serve ?

I’ll just ignore the “mentally ill” pejorative to give you my answer: we both have friends who live up there, whom we value highly. Alvin USED to live there for some time, while I have visited only twice. But the sole reason I’m on this list, is because I was INVITED to join by a very DEAR friend who resides there, and has for over three decades.

What is your political agenda ?

To cross all the way over to the other side of the board and lock you up in the Invisible Fortress.

Just now got off work so sorry for the delay in response but I don’t start until 10AM tomorrow.

I’m glad you hold down a steady job in these terribly unstable times…for many millions upon millions of decent, loving people have been shoved into a dark hole of poverty and its consequential state of misery and existential anxiety of the worst sort. A growing number of whom are now homeless, or WILL become so in a very short time from now. I pray you may keep your job, Mr. Kozlowski, and your loved ones as well. Who I’m sure are many. How do I know this? Well, I just discovered yesterday you are a friend on MY good friend’s Facebook account. And this person ONLY is surrounded by most excellent human beings. But I had already come to realize your TRUE nature (which is kind) several days before this providential discovery. I’m also glad that your present vocation allows you to spend some recreational time on the Internet, including inviting us all to play one of the most brilliant psychological board games ever devised: “Battle of the Bodhisattvas.” The only thing I can compare it to is a cross between “Go” and “chess,” with a bit of “Chutes & Ladders” tossed in.

You truly are a fascinating case study of mental illness.

Thank you. However, it is only an illness according to a vulgar and ignorant society that yet has much to learn on how to care for its own people who are left out in the cold in any number of hateful ways. Simply because they are “different,” and can’t fulfill the stern expectations of a status quo that reflects a level of psychopathy on a par with Vlad the Impaler. On those grounds alone, one is perfectly justified in rebelling (he may even feel morally OBLIGATED to rebel) against it by choosing to live off a government stipend as a form of dissent. Indeed, one may even go so far as to justify robbing banks, rich people’s homes, and/or hacking into databases of large, greedy corporations, mega-churches and certain gov’t agencies including the military, to funnel these disgustingly gained profits into their own account, as well as redistributing it into the accounts of the low income and the poor. In fact:

Such is the plan I’m setting up right now, via my now-globally-expansive hacker army of loyal soldiers and compatriots…but that is a discussion better suited to secret plotting through protected channels of communique, rather than on a publicly naked listserv. Please don’t report me to the authorities, I beg of you! Actually, I don’t care one whit if you do, because at this point in my extraordinary mission to propel this planet into a higher state of being, I have countless allies who’ve infiltrated all levels of gov’t up to the highest. And they monitor EVERYthing I do in cyberspace, including whatever I post, and whatever is posted TO me. They also have a vast network of pro-Zeke agents to closely observe the online interactions of ALL netizens associated with me in one way or another (even if tangentially, via word of mouth). This, of course, includes YOU and anyone else on this list, and on the announcement list as well.

Or, if said folks do not HAVE a bank account (and many don’t), converting this digital cash into REAL hard currency and distributing it to those most in need. And/or purchasing FOR them, the basic things they require to live a decent life. Such as food, clothing, medical care, computers, smartphones and Internet service, vehicles including large vans and travel trailers, professionally forged passports and other ID, higher education and/or trade school…and even housing, including tiny homes and an acre or two of land on which to put several of them per plot, as multilevel structures. Also (since man does not live by bread alone): frequent exposure to (or even participation in) artistic/social adventures from a wide variety of venues such as theater, art and science museums, open air orchestra, chess and Go and other cerebrally competitive sports, storytelling and spoken-word open mic events, charitable causes, community gatherings for any number of good and friendly reasons, nonviolent and cooperative sport and exercise clubs, and so on.

But let us now set aside any rebellious justification for living on the dole, and now address OTHER, less controversial, reasons to do so. For there are also those who are not psychologically equipped to fulfill the status quo, and never will be…due to their unique physiological or cognitive makeup. In a truly SANE world, none of this would ever BE a problem, for they’d be lovingly incorporated into their community with opportunity aplenty for meaningful labor and social interaction. In the case of those who are declared “mentally disabled” (as am I), there is a greater prejudice against them than those who are physically compromised, due to the often invisible nature of their malady. Thus, they are summarily accused as being freeloaders by ignorant minds…which prejudice unfortunately spills over into gov’t policy and, as a result, leads to egregious neglect, poverty and persecution of these long-suffering souls. In short: they are treated as third-class citizens and pariahs. This is actually due to a phenomenon called “scapegoating” that wells up from the collective unconsciousness, and manifests in any number of ways, including aforesaid social stigma and gov’t policy. And is one of the dark manifestations of humanity throughout the ages, that must PROMPTLY be tackled and overcome if we are to have ANY hope of surviving into the future for more than a few brief years from now.

I am one of the lucky ones, Mr. Kozlowski (and thank you for bearing with me so long, as it is quite a challenge for me to unravel in as concisely yet thoroughly a fashion as possible, my rebuttal to your accusation that I am ripping off society by not holding down a job, any job, which you incorrectly insist I can EASILY do; but that really is NOT the case at all…believe me, I’ve tried). As I said, I’m one of the lucky few…and that is because I’m BORDERLINE schizophrenic/bipolar, rather than full-blown or somewhere in between. I have been able to fully recover on my own, without any use of dangerous medications, or getting sucked into the web of psychiatric abuse, experimentation and manipulation. Studying Carl Jung’s theory of archetypes, mostly through his greatest disciple’s explaining this theory in layman’s terms in both a colorful and entertaining fashion. That disciple is Joseph Campbell, who passed away in 1987, leaving behind an incredible legacy of healing insight.

Highly creative people are more prone to schizophrenia than those who aren’t. There is something of the GENIUS in these types, and I think that what is labeled schizophrenia may very well be a kind of sixth sense. Which is actually a GIFT, not a curse or illness. It is only an insane society that would fear and scorn my kind, who were condemned as witches, sorcerers and servants of the devil in times past. Gay people are also more intelligent and creative than their hetero counterparts, thus likewise fall victim to social stigmatization of the most horrid sort. And it is just these kind of people (MY kind of people) who harbor a certain percentage of their ilk who cannot POSSIBLY function in the day-to-day world of the job market. They simply do not possess the thick skin, the robotic, submissive behavior required to maintain a functioning existence in the “normal” realm of employment. And that is where gov’t assistance comes in…or SHOULD come in. Sadly, far too often it is impossible to obtain for many of them, only because their so-called “disability” is invisible, and they lack any real advocate such as an attorney or social worker who is expert in standing up for the rights of those so disenfranchised through no fault of their own.

Once this stipend fell into my lap YEARS ago (1975), I recognized my good fortune and sought ways to find meaning in this life, and give back to society in a manner befitting yours truly. So over the years I have focused on writing and social causes, including volunteer work both through organizations and on my own, as a freelance street activist. The Great Barrister in the Sky has passed final judgment on my behalf, and the payoff is tremendous…both towards myself, and towards the benefit of humanity at large. My tales are beautiful, extraordinary, inspiring and enlightening…and will be a tremendous boon to MANY people of all walks of life (not just to gays and the homeless, though surely they shall profit, as well). THIS is how I give back to the world, for the years it’s granted me a reasonably stable life, even though I was incapable of holding down a job to “earn my own way,” as you like to say. And I claim that, were our society more compassionate, it would NOT make seeking a leg up to keep a roof over your head, food in your belly, and friends in your life, so goddamn difficult or nigh impossible! How many brilliant minds, inventions and achievements have been tossed to the wayside, thanks to a hostile world?

I really have NO idea how I’ve made it through to the other side. But one thing I’ve learned about recovering from such an excruciating, seemingly unending curse is that once you recover (IF you do recover; there is no guarantee) your strength and spirit of heart, mind and soul is BOUNDLESS. Just as Carl Jung concluded, and Joseph Campbell so well expounded upon in his televised series about what he calls “the hero’s quest.” In fact, his biggest bestseller book is entitled: “The Hero with a Thousand Faces.” About which you may learn a bit more, here:

The gist being, and which Jung first proposed, is that overcoming great odds over a long stretch of your life (and schizophrenia indeed is a “great-odds” maker) is the path of a hero. The many struggles and challenges you go through to get there, are metaphorically equivalent to slaying dragons. In conclusion, Mr. Kozlowski, I assure you:

I shall be MOST effective in making this a saner, better world by a long shot…through the squid that flows from my pen, and the mayflies that take wing off my tongue. All because I was NOT compelled to join the world of worker drones, but free to discover my own way through this very messy, turd soaked reality. But hey, they were dragon turds, and surely that counts for something! How many millions could I get on eBay?

Most sincerely,

Eugenio Franceso Damiano Catalano
(Prince of the Mafia in the greater northeast region of America, and several states further south)

Re: [MCN-Announce]- Checkmate, Mr. Kozlowski (part 2)
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: Karen Jeeters
Date: December 31, 2020 11:12 AM

Bravo! Well played…

Why thank you so much, Karen! I spent the entire day composing this piece, and I could never call it a waste of time. In fact, it’s going up on my WordPress blog tonight or tomorrow…with all names changed so I won’t wind up drawing the “You’ve just been sued!” card from the deck. The Battle of Bodhisattvas rages on! Today, January 1, 2021, marks the very first day of a sweet golden age for humanity. Happy Nude Ear to you and everyone you hold dear! To paraphrase the Mary Tyler Moore Show’s theme song: “We’re gonna make it after all!”


Re: [MCN-Discussion]- Checkmate, Mr. Kozlowski (part 2)
From Zeke Krahlin
To: Discussion MCN
Date: December 31, 2020 2:44 AM

On Thu, 31 Dec 2020 18:02:33 -0800 Fred BODHISATTVA McMillon posted:

Do you think I or ANYONE is going to read that?

Yes, yes I do, Mr. Kozlowski. YOU’VE read it, and that means more to me in the world, even if no one else has perused my remarkable discourse with a very Buddhist spin to it. But more than likely, MANY on this list (along with the announcement clique, ’cause I’ve also posted it there) have read it, and are so inspired by the contents therein, are at this very moment sharing it across cyberspace, to as many online venues they can think of. Why, I’ve even made it EASY for them, since it is now my latest blog entry, where they can just email or post it as a link! Here it is again:

Checkmate, Mr. Kuzlowski

In addition, anyone can click on one or more of the “share” buttons below that mini-opus, and send it off to social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and so forth. You get the idea.

You’re INSANE !!!!

If this is insanity, I wish it upon the entire planet. Thus I command, thus it be so.

Go take a walk. See if you can find a nice young n*gger boy to take back to your tax paid dwelling.

Sorry, oh respected opponent, but you have played that card too many times to make a move for the next six rounds. Again, I declare “Checkmate!” Don’t you see you’ve already lost, eighteen moves ago? News flash: you CAN’T trump your opponent, by ACTING like Trump!

“The Battle of the Bodhisattvas” may be an open-ended board game, but no matter which strategy you attempt from here on forward, you can NOT win…not ever. Oh well, this is boring me now, but since I regard you as a most worthy opponent, and a game well played, I’ll keep on making my moves until it finally dawns on you that the only possible outcome at this point, is you lose and I win.

WHAT is your obsession with me?

Aha! You just forfeited another brindlepawn…you only have four left.

WHY did you and your fellow insane f*ggot f*ck buddy Alvin take over our LOCAL list serve?

Oops, TWO more brindlepawns sacrificed: one because I already answered that question more than sufficiently, and another because needless or inappropriate vulgarity comes at a cost.

This is NOT YOUR COMMUNITY. You DO NOT live here. NO ONE cares about your gay world.

There go your remaining brindlepawns, Gerard. And you know as well as I do, that it is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to be the victor with zero brindlepawns! Nevertheless:

Your decision to toss the “Sore loser!” card onto the board face up, is a perfectly legal one to make, albeit optional and NEVER played by True Masters. It is, however, one frequently executed by neophyte bodhisattvas as the ultimate form of respect to the victorious Rabbit Prince…in that behaving so childishly is the highest sign of honor shown towards their better…the deepest act of humility possible in that context.

I must excuse my presence from your world for the nonce, as the more basic matter of breaking my fast so late past noon calls me to do just that.

  • Eugenio Francesco Damiano Catalano
    (The Chief Mafia Don’s Only Son, and Most Beloved is He, by the Godfather Supreme!)

Re: [MCN-Discussion]- Checkmate, Mr. Kozlowski (part 2)
From Zeke Krahlin
To: Discussion MCN
Date: January 1, 2021 9:18 AM

On Thu, 31 Dec 2020 21:33:40 -0800 Fred BODHISATTVA McMillon posted:

I don’t read your rants. I see, I delete.

Perfectly fine with me. It’s a legitimate move, but one which only serves to increase the perils against your frontline defense, and further empowers THREE of my Loyal Rottweilerkins. Plus you forfeit any move for the next eight rounds. You have already humbled yourself MORE than enough for my taste. AND my patience! This actually borders on obsequiousness on your part. I may be a GREAT bodhisattva, but certainly not THAT great. Unless, of course, you see more in me than I see in myself. Ergo:

Compliment accepted. I see no point in rejecting it, or any gain in so doing. I already own the entire board and then some, so: no harm, no foul. Arf, arf!

Your friend,

  • Zeke

Re: [MCN-Discussion]- Why us Aaron Cooper ?
From: Zeke Krahlin
To: Discussion MCN
Date: January 1, 2021 5:55 PM

On Thu, 31 Dec 2020 18:31:16 -0800 Fred BODHISDATTVA McMillon posted:

Neither of them live in Mendocino, but have taken over our local list serve and have chosen you and I as a catharsis for their frustration and mental illness.

Your attempt to manipulate Mr. Cooper into working with you may or may not pay off, Gerard. Each player is permitted to play just ONE “Dirty Card” per game, though should never be used except as a last resort. Even then, it’s a treacherous ploy that has at least a 70 percent chance of backfiring…and casts a dark shadow over anyone who participates in it if requested to do so, and agrees. Furthermore:

Neither of us has “taken over our local list serve,” nor are you and Cooper a catharsis for us, for ANY reason. No one’s falling for it, as both you and Aaron are the REAL trolls who’ve either been:

1) pumping the regressive right wing agenda into this mailing list, as is Mr. Cooper’s style of gameplay, or

2) spewing rabidly hateful, Nazi type propaganda peppered with expletives that are highly bigoted, especially against LGBTs and people of color. But also women, Jews and the poor.

So of course you’d draw the attention and wrath of SOME who have the guts to speak out against BOTH of you. This is not a carthartic move, but one which calls us to war against the dragons who have broken through the gates of our realm. Indeed, it is YOU who’ve taken over this list, thanks to your incessant rants of vitriol day after day and month after month. SOMEthing will stop the both of you dead in your tracks…and I have a strong sense that it will come down very soon. I just have no idea HOW it will occur. But oh, what a great victory that shall be!

Have a theory ? I would love to hear it.

There is no theory to speculate upon, only the taking up of arms in cyberspace, to staunch the bleeding of many souls you and Cooper have impacted. Your days are numbered, as are your game pieces. But I DO have to thank you for one thing, Mr. Kozlowski:

That each and every time you post back to me, you also repost the entire body of the very writings that irk you no end. And for that, I thank you from the bottom of my widdle heart. Surely if you hated them so much, you’d take that special little effort to delete them from your replies. Don’t tell me you don’t know how to do that, because if you ever ask me to help you with this, I’ll tell you you’re barking up the wrong tree!

Peace be with you my brother, and to your hesistant ally, Aaron Cooper a.k.a. “Helicopter Man.”

Re: [MCN-Discussion]- Here is my political agenda, Mr. McMillon…
From: Gerard McMillon
To: Discussion MCN
Date: January 1, 2021 6:38 PM

On Thu, Dec 31, 2020 at 10:18 PM Zeke Krahlin wrote:

…since you keep squawking that question like a parrot, under your Fred McMillon sock puppet pseudonym:


WHAT THE F*CK is your OBSESSION with me ?

WHY are you CYBERSTALKING me !!!!

I do NOT READ what you write.

I have MUCH better things to do than have exchange ideas or care about what some mentally ill, homosexual PERVERT thinks.

You DISGUST me. You are no different than that f*ggot who tried to rape me when I was 14 with your young negro boys.


Find another object for your obsessive/compulsive STALKING behaviour.

Zapping Zachary

April 8, 2015

1 April 2015

Dear Zachary,

On March 31 2015 around 6:30 PM you stalked and harassed me; I have a witness. (I also have a reliable witness to when your housemate almost slammed me to the concrete on Hartford Street back in January 2013, FYI.) You even kicked my foot, and hollered “watch where you’re walking!” I tried to explain to you what’s really going on, but you kept screaming and drowned me out. Before I proceed with any further explanation, you need to be warned:

If you ever stalk and scream at me again, and don’t back off after my first warning, I will pepper spray you, and have you arrested. Now, the explanation:

Larkin is using you, which is very unkind…seeing as you have generously provided him with a nice roof over his head for a really good price. It strikes me as outrageous that he put you in the middle of our arguments…but which shows me he doesn’t really care about you. Approx’ly one week ago as I walked by Twin Peaks Tavern (where you both were present), he suddenly started feigning giving you a blow job, knowing I’d witness the scenario. If he really appreciated your compassionate friendship, he’d never do that. I am neither upset nor jealous of his antics, yet it seems to me he’d find some other way to press my buttons instead of using you for his patsy.

Let me emphasize now, how good a person you are, for providing My Devilish Dragon with a friendly domicile and trusting friendship. I am not suggesting you evict him, or turn on him with hatred. But what I am saying, is that you need to confront him regarding his crude antics. In fact, it’s quite possible that his continued erotic demonstrations may get him kicked out of Twin Peaks. Seeing as bars in the Castro are frequented by conservative queers and straight tourists…unlike bars South of Market, where gay-renegade interplay is far more robust and diabolical. And that is where we first met (Hole in the Wall Saloon, to be exact). It is sad to me that he must clip his mischievous wings in order to adapt to the somewhat-Puritanical crowd in these Castro bars.

While I demand justice for the wrongs Larkin has committed, I do take the Buddhist stance, in that one must always find a loving solution to all conflicts. It is therefore a most complex situation for me to achieve justice that is a win-win situation for all persons involved. Obviously, that now includes you as well as Larkin. For this reason, I invite you to open a dialog with me, that does not include any harassments, threats, assaults or false accusations on your part. We can do this by phone, email, or in person…or all three (whatever works for you).

Larkin’s backstabbing against me, a good friend, still has me worried that he may be suffering a malady affecting his thought processes, such as a brain tumor or early onset Alzheimer’s. You are of course, blinded by his extraordinary good looks and charisma, as are many people who are lucky enough to enjoy his company. Yet these very same gifts empower him to take advantage of any situation, even if his motivations are selfish or diabolical.

Your crude harassment towards me on 31 March may very well be the first time you’ve had the chance to be a bully to someone else…considering your small build and slight stature. As someone who is likewise diminutive, I can surely appreciate the temptation to finally wield a strong fist upon another. But I urge you to forego such an ego trap and reconsider my difficult situation.

For Larkin’s friendship is a great boon in my life…and which he has clearly acknowledged back in May 2014 when he approached me and declared: “Our friendship, our being brought together, is an incredible godsend!” As for your strange accusation that I am instructing my street friends to injure or threaten him:

That is a total falsehood. Have you witnessed such an encounter, or are you naively going by whatever slander Larkin has placed in your ears? Seeing as the several homeless amigos with whom I’ve discussed Larkin, was with great patience and respect towards him. I’ve told them that Larkin is just putting me through my paces (an initiation of sorts), and that they are to keep calm, not interfere, and let the process play through.

To one of my street buddies, Mikey, (some time last year) I even said, while pointing Larkin out at Twin Peaks Tavern:

“This is Larkin, the best friend I have ever known. If I am ever in trouble, or disappeared, please go to him and let him know.”

Yet you, in your foolish brainwashing by said housemate, assumed I was setting up Larkin for revenge. Thus you ran out of the bar to give me a piece of your mind…which mind, I might add, was totally stewed in an alcoholic brew.

While I did beg some of my street buddies to talk some sense into Larkin, I did not in any way, shape or form, encourage them to harass him. Otherwise, I have no idea what you’re talking about. You need to prove your claims with solid evidence. Yet I’m afraid that all your accusations would turn out to be deemed perjury in a court of law. Which would land you in the clinker for several months or longer.

I also want you to be aware that my conflict with Larkin is a civil suit…certainty not something for 911 to respond to. In fact, Larkin is wasting the SFPD’s valuable time by forcing them to respond to a conflict which is totally nonviolent. Furthermore: your willful participation in such skulduggery will only gain you a black mark by our Peace Keepers here in the Castro, causing you to be less than appreciated by those who lay their lives on the line each and every day. Which may result in them not responding to your call should you ever truly find yourself in jeopardy.

If your foolish housemate believes he has a legitimate gripe against me, he needs to contact an attorney and proceed with a civil suit against me. Which suit, I assure you, I will win in short shrift. For I have done nothing wrong, and have only defended my right to stroll my neighborhood of more than 30 years in relative safety.

So the ball is now in your court: if you continue to be Larkin’s puppet and harass me or spread wicked gossip against yours truly, you will have to accept the unfortunate circumstances of my victory. For I have more documentation against Larkin’s abuses than you could ever shake a stick at.

Good luck with your abusive roommate.

Most sincerely,

Ezekiel J. Krahlin

Kalmykia: Europe’s Only Buddhist Republic

November 28, 2011

I thought I knew all the regions of Great Mother Russia since the USSR breakup, but maybe new ones are still being carved out? (As perhaps a newly minted form of tourist-money-generating scheme for their mafia? In which case–if they’re reading this now–please carve out your next “faux federation” to be not just Europe’s, but the world’s, first and only 100% gay region!)

I swear I’d lick your Kazakh boots and more than a few other pieces (they’re also renowned for their excellent chess players), if ya’ll did me that little bitty favor? I hear the figs and persimmons are sinfully sweet this time of year in Georgia.

A small part of Kalmykia touches the Caspian Sea in the northwest, but they are still a people of the steppes. I actually first learned about Kalymkia earlier today, in this YouTube flick created by our new-age communications’ stellar media outlet, “Russia Today” (26 minutes and 6 seconds of pure video enlightenment, guaranteed!):

But what most impresses me about Kalmykia, turns out to be completely ignored in the several articles that I’ve read thus far, nor is it mentioned in the video linked above. Which is this:

Its status as gateway to the Middle East, places an entire nation of Buddhists smack dab almost-in-the-heart of the planet’s most fiery cauldron of political upheaval and religious violence. I’d even go so far as to conjecture that the good folks of Kalmykia have more in common with their Middle Eastern neighbors, than their European ones! Culturally speaking.

Personally, I think having a Buddhist society looking over those Semitic shoulders from such neighborly close range, may indeed make a vital difference in achieving peace in our time. What do you think, how do you feel about this topic? Do you believe having a passel of devout Buddhists in a Middle Eastern corridor (possibly spilling over into a wider range of outreach in times of urgency), will make any difference towards ending war after war in the long run?

Now, read my latest Koan:

Ezekiel’s Latest Koan:

(If you don’t know what “Koan” means, look it up in Wikipedia. But for the moment, you may regard it as a Zen Buddhist spark-of-enlightenment mind game.)

There is no proof of God beyond the angels.

For if God is ultimately the composite of which everyone and everything is born…then we can only “see” him through these manifestations…so the angels are presumably closer to God than anything else we can think of. And that is powerful proof, I would say.

The problem here is that angels are also imaginary or mythological beings. So we must reduce the Koan down one level, to:

There is no proof of angels beyond their statues.

And there is no Koan beyond mine! :P
